Against All Odds: Matt Morgan & Crimson Vs. Samoa Joe & Magnus

TNA Tag Team Championship
Matt Morgan And Crimson vs. Samoa Joe And Magnus

Tenay hypes that this is the third title match of the evening before they try to give us some taglines, but the graphics aren't there! They do show up eventually and Tenay isn't left hanging anymore.

Joe and Morgan look to start things out for their respective teams. The bell rings and both men begin circling. We get a lock up and Joe clamps on a head lock. Morgan pushes him off and Joe hits a shoulderblock, but Morgan doesn't budge. Joe hits another but the result is the same. We get a bit of shoving before Joe hits a kick to the gut, but then falls victim to a shoulder block from Morgan. Joe sends Morgan into the corner and tags in Magnus, who works over the arm.

Morgan tags out to Crimson who trades holds with Magnus for a bit. Crimson locks in a head lock, but neither man can get a clear advantage. Crimson sends Magnus into the ropes and hits a big clothesline before hitting a cravat and running knee to the back. Morgan tags in and launches himself into Magnus before Crimson launches him with a big suplex. Morgan goes for the pin but only gets two. Another tag to Crimson, who's distracted and hung up on the top rope by Joe. Magnus connects with a clothesline and mounts Crimson with a series of punches before tagging out to Joe.

Joe hits a couple of big punches. Crimson tries to respond but Joe just lays in with more punches,harder, before tagging out to Magnus for some smooth double team work for another near fall. Magnus wears down Crimson for a bit before tagging right back out to Joe. Joe comes in and beats Crimson down with a series of rights in the corner. Joe causes a distraction and allows Magnus to work over Crimson.

Joe tags out to Magnus who comes in an takes Crimson to the mat with a rear chin lock. Crimson is able to fight up to his feet, but eats a backdrop suplex that's good for another two count. Magnus takes Crimson into his own corner and tags out to Joe who hits a nasty chop to Crimson's chest.

Crimson begins to fight back, and charges for his own corner, but Joe catches him with a powerslam for another two count. Joe tags out to Magnus who comes in with a nasty elbow drop for another near fall. Magnus tags out and Joe comes in with a series of jabbing rights in the corner. Joe whips Crimson across the ring, but then eats a back elbow, big boot, and clothesline from the middle rope from Crimson. Both men are down.

Both men make the tag, and Morgan comes in as a house of fire, taking Magnus out, then taking Joe out with a big clothesline, before taking both men out with a huge double clothesline. Morgan charges Magnus in the corner and eats a big boot, but comes right back with a big slam, putting Magnus down for a two count. Joe ambushes Morgan and hits him with a bunch of rights. Crimson tries to break it up and the champs hit a double shoulderblock. They call for a double team choke slam, but Magnus breaks it up and sends Crimson from the ring. Magnus and Joe beat on Morgan in the corner before Magnus goes to the opposite side. Morgan pushes Joe into Magnus. Joe avoids a spear and Crimson hits Morgan. Joe sends Crimson from the ring, hits Morgan with a snap mare, and Magnus hits a middle rope elbow drop, getting the three count on Morgan.

Winners and NEW TNA Tag Team Champions: Samoa Joe and Magnus

