JR Blog: HBK's Involvement With HHH Vs. Taker, WWE.com Project, Flair, More

WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross is back with a new blog on www.jrsbarbq.com. Here are some highlights from this entry:

- What is the next Rivalry DVD to be produced? Don't know but I'm under the impression this is a 'brand' that WWE will develop on an ongoing basis. For it to be successful, the participants need to be alive and willing to sitdown and discuss their rivalry. At least that's how I see it. The Hitman/HBK Rivalry DVD will be hard to top.


- What kind of match do you think that we will see between @TheRock vs. @JohnCena at WM28? Competitive, athletic and fundamental. Both are ground guys who can brawl and exchange holds. I think the crowd will be hugely pro-Rock which will likely highly motivate Cena. I'm not going to pick a winner but I am greatly anticipating a fitting close of the mega event. There is LOTS of pressure on both men to deliver in the position that they are placed.

- Will Ric Flair be at the WWE HOF Induction Ceremony with the Four Horsemen? That's my understanding from 'Naitch.' I'm anxious to see him in Miami.

- Any chance that you will ever be a contributor to WWE.com? Ironically, we are discussing an on going project for me now at WWE.com. Stay tuned.


- Will Shawn Michaels be involved in the HIAC match at WM28. I assume that we will soon find out officially if and what HBK's role could be in the Taker vs. HHH bout but it would seem to me that @ShawnMichaels already is sort of involved. I'm intrigued about the ways that the careers of HHH/HBK/Undertaker have intertwined over the years. The three of them will forever be 'joined at the hip' so to speak.

Source: JRsBarBQ.com

