The Rock's Live ESPN Chat, Trump/WWE Angle, More
– has a report up on the WWE's donations to Donald Trump's foundation, which were done in exchange for Trump participating on WWE angles on TV. Here is what they wrote? "The $5 million in donations from WWE to the Trump Foundation is by far its largest source of income and rumored to be a tax-avoiding payment from McMahon to Trump for Trump's involvement in a 2006 WrestleMania event... We looked at a couple of the previous year's 990PFs for the Donald J. Trump Foundation just to check the pattern spotted by the Smoking Gun. In 2009, the largest donation by far was $1 million from WWE."
– The Rock chatted on today while touring ESPN headquarters. Some highlights:
* He said his first WrestleMania was more important to him than when his first movie opened.
* He told some Rock 'N Sock stories.
* Said that NFL star Rob Gronkowski would make a good wrestler.
* Hinted at a future in politics for him.