WWE Using Metallica For Taker Vs. HHH, JBL On Ron Simmons Induction & More

– The theme song WWE is using for The Undertaker and Triple H at WrestleMania 28 is "The Memory Remains" by Metallica.

– JBL wrote the following on Twitter about his friend Ron Simmons going into the WWE Hall of Fame this year: "Words can't describe how happy I am about my best friend and former tag team partner Ron Simmons going into HOF! Well deserved, CONGRATS!"

JBL then wrote this on Facebook when asked about who is inducting Simmons: "As far as who is inducting Ron into the HOF-I would consider one of my greatest lifetime honors if I am chosen. However, it hasn't been announced-SO, if I knew who was I couldn't say. And, if I don't know I couldn't say either obviously. So, I wait on the announcement like everyone else. The main thing is not who is announcing or inducting Ron but that a great, great man is being put into the HOF-congrats to Ron, my best friend and former tag partner!!!"

Here is WWE's video for Simmons' induction:

