Chikara's Invasion Of ROH Continues At "Showdown In The Sun"

What started at The Homecoming 2012 with Jigsaw and Hallowicked defeating The Briscoes in a Proving Grounds match, even as the Briscoes tried to remove the masks of the Chikara competitors, will continue at Showdown In The Sun. The latest member of the Chikara roster to have an opportunity to represent in ROH is Fire Ant of the The Colony.


Fire Ant, who was last seen in ROH at the 10th Anniversary show diving from the ring to the floor to break up a fight between Chikara's Grand Champion Eddie Kingston and Kevin Steen, will now do battle himself against "Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins. The match between the two high-flying daredevils is scheduled to take place on the second night of Showdown in the Sun on March 31st.

"I've traveled the world," Perkins told "The United States, Japan, and most importantly here, Mexico. I understand the importance of the mask in the Lucha tradition, I've even competed under a mask myself at one point in my career, so I understand what it means to the wrestlers under the CHIKARA banner. What I can promise you Fire Ant is that you do not have to worry about me going for your mask or attempting to humiliate you in that fashion. What else I can promise you is that stepping into the ring with me will be the toughest fight you've had in your life. I hear you're fast on your feet, I'm lightning. I hear you can fly, I soar with eagles. I can make your head spin, wrap you up like a pretzel, and knock your head off before you even realize the bell rang to start the match. You're stepping into the lion's den Fire Ant, be ready."



