JBL On Rock Vs. Cena, Ryder & Riley Meet Children At Hospital, More

The UK Sun has an interview up with JBL. During the interview, JBL is asked about his thoughts on Sunday's match between The Rock and John Cena. "I see all this stuff on Twitter going back between The Rock and Cena," said JBL. "It's awesome what these guys are doing. Everbody's talking about it. Whether they really feel that way or not, I have no idea, because I don't have privileged information. But to me it's entertaining. As a fan, I just want to sit back and say 'this is fun to watch'." You can check out the full interview by clicking here.

– Add Zack Ryder to the growing number of wrestlers using DDP Yoga.

– Speaking of Ryder, he and Alex Riley dropped by the Egelston Children's Hospital in Atlanta, GA to be interviewed by patients. You can check out the clip of their appearance:


Ash Payne contributed to this article.

