Jericho Defends DDP Yoga, Cena Responds To Rock's MTV Remarks, Punk, Edge's New Look

– As noted yesterday, Edge cut his hair and is now sporting a new look. If you missed it last night, you can check out a pic of Edge's new look at this link.

– Part two of the CM Punk – Chris Jericho WrestleMania Diaries is now up at In today's installment, Jericho defends using DDP Yoga, which CM Punk took a swipe at yesterday. "All I know is that DDP Yoga works for me," Jericho explained. "It's the best training I've had in my life and it's funny how I've been wrestling 10 years longer than CM Punk, but he's the one who's always walking around with more ice on him than an eskimo in February. I'm pain-free."


The diary also contains pictures of Punk working out for the match and much more, you can check it out at this link.

– John Cena responded to The Rock recently calling him "a good girl, really good woman" on MTV recently. Cena told MTV that Rock "literally uses the same material over and over and over again and convinces people that it's still funny."

Cena went on to issue a warning to "The People's Champion," stating, "I got you man. I know things about you that you don't even know about yourself. April 1, we're gonna see who the greatest of all time is."

You can check out Cena's interview with MTV below:

