JR & Regal Announce At FCW, Kidd Vs. McGillicutty Rematch, Jericho, Birthdays

- For what it's worth, Chris Jericho said on Twitter that WWE won't be releasing a new t-shirt for him.

- Former FCW talent Brett DiBiase turns 24 years old today while Ken Doane turns 26 and the former Henry Godwinn turns 48.


- A Tyson Kidd vs. Michael McGillicutty rematch is booked for next week's WWE NXT.

- Jim Ross did end up calling some matches at last night's FCW TV tapings in Florida. He announced with William Regal, who wrote the following on Twitter:

"A huge honour for me tonight getting to announce with JR Jim Ross at FCW.He was the first person to interview me on USA TV 19 years ago."

