Miz On "Psych" Tonight, USA On RAW Ratings, WWE's Cash Flow, Latest "WWE Inbox"
– The USA Network sent out a press release touting their 23rd consecutive quarterly victory on cable TV. The release mentioned WWE RAW specifically, noting, "Raw made USA the #1 network in all of television in its Monday 9:00-11:00 p.m. time period among M18-34, beating every network but NBC and FOX in P18-34. The sports entertainment franchise delivered 2.37 million in P25-54, 2.46 in million P18-49, 1.35 million in P18-34, 4.91 million total viewers and 3.42 million households in 1Q12."
– Just a reminder that The Miz will appear on tonight's episode of Psych. Also, don't forget that you can chat with The Miz during the episode at USA Network's Character Chatter. If you tweet about The Miz on Character Chatter, please use #MizChat.
– The Motley Fool has an article looking at WWE's free cash flow, you can check it out at this link.
– Here is the latest WWE Inbox featuring Randy Orton, John Cena, Zack Ryder and many others: