Russian Plot Against ROH, ROH DVD Giveaway, March Mayhem Sale
- ROH has noted on their website the fact that a large amount of dislikes on their YouTube videos appear to be coming from Russia. They are asking for ROH fans to get the word out about their official YouTube page to help against the influence of the negativity coming from Russia.
- ROH will be giving away a free DVD to all new annual subscribers of their Ringside Member service. DVD's available are all that are in their catalog of in-stock DVD's. That includes "The Summer of Punk" and "Bryan Danielson: The American Dragon." The offer ends on April 8th. The price of an annual membership is $59.99. Click here for more details.
- ROH's online store will be having a March Mayhem sale, March 19th through March 23rd. All their DVD's and apparel will be 20% off, 35% to all ringside members and 45% to all ringside members on March 19th. Click here for more details.