Transgender Person Arrested For Stealing $50,000 From WWE

A transgender person from Tennessee has been extradited to Stamford, Connecticut and charged with stealing more than $50,000 from a WWE bank account.

James Dewayne Bass, also known as Kelly Monique and Timothy Battles, 34, was charged with first-degree larceny and four counts of second-degree forgery.


A WWE attorney discovered in November that $50,816 had been taken out of a company account and used to buy merchandise and services online or by phone. An investigation revealed that Bass had used the account for personal expenses after obtaining the routing and account numbers.

A background check revealed Bass had a criminal record for identity theft, forgery and passing worthless checks. His parole officer told police investigators that he sometimes portayed himself as a woman and used the alias Kelly Monique during a past arrest.

More details on the story are available here.


