Victory Road: Gail Kim Vs. Madison Rayne (Knockouts Title)

The following is from our live coverage of TNA Victory Road. To access our full coverage, click here.

A video package airs for the Gail Kim – Madison Rayne match.

TNA Women's Knockout Championship
Gail Kim (c) vs. Madison Rayne


Madison knocks Kim to the outside. She pulls her back in and gets a near fall. Madison sends her head first into the turnbuckle. Madison hits a suplex with a bridge for a near fall. Kim is in a reverse chin lock. Kim throws her off. Kim yanks on Madison's knee. They exchange blows. Kim hits a cross body splash off the top. Kim hits a vicious missile drop kick. Both women are down.

Kim gets a near fall. Madison hits neck breaker. Madison counters a move and kicks Kim in the gut. Madison screams, "we're not friends anymore!" Kim hits an "Eat The Feet" for the pin.

Winner and STILL TNA Knockouts Champion: Gail Kim

