Victory Road: Kazarian & Christopher Daniels Vs. AJ Styles & Mr. Anderson

The following is from our live coverage of TNA Victory Road. To access our full coverage, click here.

Jeremy Borash is backstage with Kazarian and Christopher Daniels. Daniels says he's running the show, not Kazarian.


Kazarian & Christopher Daniels vs. AJ Styles & Mr. Anderson

Anderson stars off with Daniels. Kazarian soon tags in. Styles and Daniels tag in. AJ hits an arm drag. Dixie is looking on at ringside. Daniels punches him in the face. Daniels tries to leave; all four men battle on the outside. AJ hits a vicious flying knee on Kazarian; Anderson drops an elbow on Daniels. AJ and Daniels are legal. AJ hits a much delayed suplex on Daniels.

Anderson tags in. Kazarian tags and gets double teamed by AJ and Anderson. Daniels is in and applies an abdominal stretch to AJ. AJ charges into the corner; Daniels hits him with a big boot. AJ reaches for a tag; Daniels stays in control. AJ hits some high flying moves and tags Anderson. Anderson cleans house. AJ attempts a moonsault but Daniels falls to his back and AJ hits Daniels boots face first; nice move. All four men are executing some nice moves. Kazarian is in with Anderson; AJ tags. AJ hits the "Styles Clash" on Kazarian for the pin.


Winners: AJ Styles & Mr. Anderson

