Austin Talks About His Future At CAC, DDP Talks About Randy Orton's RKO And More
- At the Cauliflower Alley Club Reunion in Las Vegas this week, both Steve Austin and Terry Funk expressed interest in going to FCW and teaching the new talents there. Jim Ross, who introduced Austin for the Iron Mike Award, gave a seminar while he was there to independent wrestlers on what to work on and what WWE is looking for when they sign new talents.
Austin was asked about wrestling at WrestleMania 29 and said he was on the bubble about it. Austin added that he'd consider it if everything worked out right. Austin said he feels great right now at age 47 but doesn't want to have trouble getting around at 57.
- Nigel McGuinness was in Vegas for the CAC Reunion and was filming footage for his documentary.
- Arda Ocal of The Score has published part 2 of his interview with Diamond Dallas Page. In the video below, DDP discusses his WWE debut in 2001, Randy Orton's RKO, WrestleMania 28 and more: