Plans Change For Rhodes & Big Show, Update On The Rock & Kurt Angle, Sheamus

- World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus will be appearing at Saturday's Market in Middletown, PA on May 12th from 11am until 1pm.

- As noted before, The Rock and Kurt Angle filmed a fight scene this weekend for Michael Bay's Pain & Gain movie. Rock posted the following photo of he, Angle and Bay on set:

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Angle wrote the following about the scene:

"movie is really fun! The Rock is Halarious and Intense. Our Scene Was Great! I Had Him Beat but He Cheated! Lol."

- If you don't believe plans change within WWE on a regular basis, the t-shirt being sold for Extreme Rules last night in Chicago listed the Intercontinental Title Match between Cody Rhodes and Big Show as "Cody's Choice: Tables Match."

This indicates that before the shirts were printed, the plan was for Cody to pick the stipulation of a Tables Match. Sometime between then and Friday's SmackDown, WWE officials came up with the idea of the Roulette Wheel that we saw on the pre-show.

