Scott Steiner's Latest Anti-Hogan Rant, Lockdown Fanfest Coverage
- In what appears to be turning into a daily feature, Scott Steiner took to his Twitter again today to bash Hulk Hogan. Here is his latest rant: "Wtf hogan in the fantasy world u live in u need to get hookd on phonics so u can read... U stupid motherf–ker,my tweets havent bn about what i believe, but about what u have done... Now u have a cystal ball in yur fantansy world and u can see my future,look at yur own better hope im not in it, And hopefully karma keeps visiting you in yur future
"I feel bad for everyone close to u also especially yur wife,a lil advice in the 'future'... Dont say beatlejuice 3x in front of her:...................... She has a small head....
"Anytime Hogan !!!"
- TNA posted these interviews from their Lockdown Fanfest earlier today:
Gail Kim:
Bully Ray:
Matt Morgan:
James Storm: