Synopsis For WWE's New Zack Ryder DVD And The "Superstars Collection" Series
As noted before, WWE will be releasing a new series of "Superstars Collection" DVD's beginning July 10th with one-disc DVD's on Zack Ryder and John Cena. The DVD's will be priced at $9.99.
Courtesy of WWEDVDNews, here is the synopsis for Ryder's DVD:
"Packed with never-before-seen footage and matches featuring rising star Zack Ryder. First ever Superstar release for Superstar Zack Ryder! Ryder is a rising star with over 600k followers on Twitter and is steadily gaining popularity. A fan-favorite, Ryder found fame as WWE's lead internet sensation. A constant on weekly TV, both Ryder and Cena has been focus of a high-profile love triangle which has made them new enemies."
Here is the synopsis for WWE's new "Superstars Collection":
"Heat up the summer with the newly branded WWE Superstars Collection. Packed with never-before-seen footage and matches featuring Zack Ryder and mega-Superstar John Cena. A bold, new look that will pop off shelves! BIG VALUE. OUTSTANDING PRICE."