Triple H Talks Juggling Family Life, Gives Update On Stephanie's Weight Loss Goal

RXMuscle posted several photos late last year of WWE executive Stephanie McMahon appearing in tremendous physical shape, which she credited to her extreme desire to defeat her battle with the bulge following the birth of her three children. Dave Palumbo, who assisted Stephanie in achieving her weight loss goal, spoke to husband Triple H last week in an interview for, who admitted that she was having trouble maintaining her desired physique.

"She's looking forward to doing that although I think it's taking her a little bit longer than she was hoping to," he says of her intention to participate in a photo shoot this summer revealing her abdominal muscles. "Not that she's been strict, her body's just been a little bit resistant to change coming up, all the stuff she was doing. But she's working hard at it. I think once we get past WrestleMania here, she'll be able to work a little harder."

He continues, "For Steph, it's tough. She's an executive here, which is a 24/7 job, and then on top of that, three kids and then trying to get in shape. It's a full-time gig to say the least. She's full hands-on mommy. When the kids are up at the crack of dawn, she's up and by the time we get home from the office and we train at night, she's going to bed at one in the morning and getting up with them at six, it takes its toll."

With their tireless work for WWE, Triple H explains how they are able to juggle family life. He says that while they have assistance taking care of their three children, their work schedule revolves around them.

He says, "We have help, we couldn't do what we do without help, certainly. At the level and going as much as we are you have to have a team in some way, shape or form. But, that being said, it's one of the things we really are adamant about. For me and for Steph, our kids and our family comes first, so we take our kids to school every day. We make sure we're home, if not to eat dinner with them, to put them to bed at night. If we have to work more later, we do. We work all other stuff around that. We try to be with them as much as we possibly can and work everything else around them."

You can check out the full interview below:


