Flight Problems Put Tonight's WWE Brazil Debut In Jeopardy, Punk And Jericho Comment
- WWE may not be able to debut in Sao Paulo, Brazil later today due to a canceled flight here in the United States. The RAW crew was looking for a place to stay in Virginia last night and everything was up in the air regarding getting a new flight and getting to Brazil in time for the show.
There is no show booked on Thursday due to a previously canceled date so if tonight's show is canceled, the RAW brand won't have a show until Friday in Ecuador. Here are some comments from Twitter:
CM Punk: "Flight canceled. Everything just went sideways. Sorry San Paulo, we're working on it. Keep ya posted..."
Chris Jericho: "Flight to Sao Paulo cancelled. Mad scramble to find a place to sleep tonight. Status of show unknown. Sorry everybody we'll keep u posted!"