Former TNA Wrestler Competes For Title On NBC Tonight, Sunny Advertised For Weekend Event, More
- Kim Nielsen, who briefly competed in TNA as Desire, is a finalist on NBC's The Biggest Loser and will be competing to win the season on tonight's finale.
- As noted earlier, Tammy "Sunny" Sytch missed three wrestling appearances last weekend. For what it's worth, she is advertised to appear for Traditional Championship Wrestling's Bash at the Bluff this Saturday, May 5th. You can get more information about the event at this link.
- USA Championship Wrestling presents a show this Thursday, May 3rd at the National Guard Armory in Savannah, Tennessee. Bell time is 7:30 p.m. Scheduled to appear are Brian Christopher, Doug Gilbert, Tommy Rich, Jeremiah Plunkett and many others.
Garrett and Devin Cutting contributed to this article.