More On Show-Laurinaitis Error From RAW, Booker T's Non-Wrestling Show, Vickie & Lawler

- Michael Cole joked on RAW last night that Jerry Lawler and Vickie Guerrero wear the same kind of shirts. Apparently he was telling the truth as Vickie plugged Karmen's Boutique in El Paso, Texas on Twitter:

"Hey everyone, I bought my shirt at Karmens Boutique in El Paso. Jerry Lawler buys his shirts there as well, he loves my fashion sense"

- As noted before, WWE slipped up on RAW last night when John Laurinaitis said he re-signed Big Show on Saturday, before the Over the Limit pay-per-view. They later realized the error and fixed it saying Show and Laurinaitis had a verbal agreement until he signed the contract on Monday morning. reports that the error was actually in the RAW script. WWE didn't realize the error until fans went crazy on Twitter and corrected them. They then had Michael Cole correct the error on TV.

- Booker T will be launching an online entertainment channel soon and on that channel will be a breakdancing show. Booker says the best breakdancers in America will battle to be named the #1 b-boy around. Here's the preview:

