More On The TNA Vs. WWE Lawsuit And Internal Reports On Brian Wittenstein

- People who work in the WWE offices report that Brian Wittenstein as very open about his knowledge of TNA while working for WWE. Someone in WWE finally realized that Wittenstein could be hurting them with what he was doing and he was fired. Wittenstein didn't even make it out of his probationary period as he was fired before 90 days were up.

Wittenstein worked on the New York independent scene before getting a job with TNA and later WWE. People in both companies say that he talked too much, had a big mouth and didn't know his place.

After WWE fired Wittenstein, they wanted to protect themselves so they approached TNA with what they knew. TNA, feeling that Ric Flair was giving them trouble because he wanted out of his deal to return to WWE, put the two situations together and felt like they had the right to file suit against WWE.

As noted before, the feeling within WWE is that they are being sued by TNA for doing the right thing.

