Jim Ross Blogs On HHH Vs. Brock Lesnar, WWE's Best Heel Promo Talent, New GM

WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross is back with his latest blog, here are some highlights:

Paul Heyman being the best promo talent: "As a fan, I thought the segment involving 'The Game' and Paul Heyman was the most compelling thing on Raw.


"Heyman is a natural born antagonist and when he speaks he isn't 'acting' but simply being himself. I've personally been in too many non televised arguments with Paul to know of what I speak. Heyman has 'it' and always has plus it's obvious that the native New Yorker hasn't lost a step in his self imposed, long sabbatical from the biz over the past several years.

"Paul Heyman is the best, antagonist, promo talent in WWE hands down. "

Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar: "A few weeks ago when HHH had his physical encounter with Brock Lesnar, I 'felt' that any bout between the two would be special. Specifically after the 'Cerebral Assassin' (Great handle...wonder where that came from?) fired up on Lesnar for a brief but impactful interlude of hammering right hands. That exchange struck a chord with me and flipped the switch for my motor to engage.


"IF Lesnar vs. HHH happens at Summerslam, and I hope that it will, it will be a stellar attraction that will be fresh and not too likely to ever happen again. The bell to bell of this potential main event really has my interest and I'm intrigued to see how this matter plays out between now and August 19."

RAW & SmackDown GM: "Just asking but could the new RAW/Smackdown GM be announced at the premier of the weekly three hour Monday Night Raws, episode 1000, in St. Louis on July 23? This isn't a 'spoiler' even though some knuckleheads will think it's such but merely a question. Doesn't seem like a bad idea."

Much more is contained in JR's latest blog, including his thoughts on Kane's recent performances, Mike Tyson in WWE '13, AJ, tag team wrestling being given a push and more. You can check out the full entry by clicking here.

Also, don't forget to order some of JR's BBQ Sauce, which is great for the kitchen and the grill, at WWEShop.com by clicking here.

Source: JR's BBQ

