Karen Jarrett Calls Out Dixie, TNA Stars Attend CMT Awards, Don West Update, Angle To AAA

- AAA officials in Mexico are looking to bring in Kurt Angle for their big TripleMania show ths year.

- We previously reported that Don West was leaving TNA to be the new General Manager of the Wenatchee Wild hockey team in Washington state. It's been announced that West will be the Wild's Director of Sales and Marketing, not General Manager. West is getting a good deal from the team and will share in sponsorships, profits and merchandise increases he brings.

- TNA stars Jeff Jarrett, Karen Jarrett, James Storm and Crimson were in attendance for the CMT Music Awards in Nashville last night. WWE Hall of Famer Steve Austin was also there to promote his new Redneck Island reality TV show.

- Speaking of Karen, she posted the following tweets to Dixie Carter last night after the awards show. Apparently Todd is referring to Todd Carter, President of Panda Energy International, the parent company of TNA.

"Hey Todd, no one can stand ur sister @TNADixie she continues to run the company in the ground!!! What r u gonna do???"

"@TNADixie have some guts and call me out........"

"Everyone has dirty laundry I'm thinking it's about home for @TNADixie to be exposed!!!"

