Kevin Nash Appearance This Weekend, Matt Hardy Talks Past Mistakes

- Kevin Nash announced another independent appearance on his Twitter account earlier today, writing, "Check me out June 10th@Keyser WV at firehall station 2 RT 220 south.Meet and greet 4-6 Bell time 7"

As noted yesterday, Nash is also scheduled to appear at an Extreme Wrestling Federation event on Saturday, June 16 in Converse, Indiana. You can get more details by clicking here.

- Matt Hardy appeared at a NPWS event in Barnegat, NJ on Saturday night. has an interview with Hardy about the event, who spoke about some of the mistakes he's made in the past.

"As far as my mental state of mind I'm great, regardless of whatever issues I've had," said Hardy. "People make mistakes, and either you fall from your mistakes or you learn from them... I feel good, I'm happy about life, I'm happier than I've ever been."

You can check out the full article, which also includes quotes from Robbie E., by clicking here.

- Speaking of Hardy, you can check out his appearance at the NPWS event below:

Jonathan Flagg contributed to this article.

