TNA Impact Results: AJ-Dixie Secret Revealed, Aries' Decision, Bound For Glory Series, Sound Off

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The show begins with a recap of James Storm's return last week and Austin Aries' decision tonight.

Pyro and Tenay runs down the highlights of the show.

Hogan comes to the ring.

Hogan says when change happens you make friends and enemies. He says what happened to Sting was uncalled for and they will find out who it was. He says it's time for Aries' decision.

Aries comes to the ring to a good reception. He tells them he has important business. He says it should be a no-brainer but the X-Division Title is the championship TNA is built on. He says he has an "option C" in mind. He wants any future X-Division Champion to be able to cash it in for a World Title shot. Hogan likes the idea.

Roode comes out and is upset with the news. He asks who Aries thinks he is. Roode says the X-Division Title means nothing to him. He says he is God's gift to pro-wrestling and he will embarrass Aries. Aries invites him to a fight, they brawl on the outside, and agents come down and break them up. Mr. Anderson's music hits. He says he could watch them fight all day but he doesn't really care who wins because they will have to face him when he wins the Bound for Glory Series.


Tenay explains the Bound for Glory Series point system. Mr. Anderson calls out Daniels, a man who had the balls to ruin a man's family. Daniels comes out with an appletini in his hand.

BFG Series Open Fight Night: Mr. Anderson vs. Daniels

Daniels shoves Anderson and takes control with an abdominal stretch. Anderson shifts the momentum with a clothesline. Anderson whips him in and hits multiple shots and a Rolling Senton Slam. Anderson hits a swinging neckbreaker and the Mic Check for the win.

Winner of 7 points by pin: Mr. Anderson

Dixie and AJ are backstage talking about if they're ready to tell the world about their relationship. AJ wonders if there is another way.

The Knockouts have gathered in Brooke Hogan's office.


Brooke says she hasn't had the chance to really talk to ODB and she wants to know why they deserve the title shot. ODB says she is different than all of them. Madison says she has already been there, Brooke tells her to focus and make her work her boyfriend. Velvet says she never got her rematch. Mickie James says she is the greatest woman's wrestler in the world. Brooke scolds Madison some more and says she is not ready tonight. Brooke will make another elimination later.

Robbie E. is in the ring with Robbie T. He makes an open challenge and Kurt Angle answers it.

BFG Series Open Fight Night: Robbie E. vs. Kurt Angle

Angle hits 3 Germans and the Angle Slam and applies the Angle Lock for the win.

Winner of 10 points by submission: Kurt Angle

-Tonight's Gut Check contestant: Taeler Hendrix. She has been wrestling for 6 years and has overcome cancer.

Magnus comes to the ring and has someone in mind to challenge.


Magnus is choosing a man whose head is not in the game. He calls out AJ Styles.

BFG Series Open Fight Night: Magnus vs. AJ Styles

AJ runs to the ring and takes it to Magnus with intensity. He goes up top but is caught into suplex by Magnus. AJ hits a dropkick but misses the Pele. Magnus applies a headlock. Joseph Park is eating popcorn and watching from the crowd. AJ hits a kick in the back of the head. Daniels and Kazarian come to the ring with some papers. AJ is distracted and Magnus takes advantage and hits a sit-down slam for the win.

Winner of 7 points by pin: Magnus

-TNA Gut Check is next


Jeremy Borash welcomes us back from the ring and introduces Taeler Hendrix. Her opponent is Tara.

TNA Gut Check: Tara vs. Taeler Hendrix

Taeler offers her hand but Tara slaps it away. Tara hits a nice snap sulplex and scolds Taeler. Tara chokes Taeler from the top turnbuckle. Joseph Park is shown leaving the stands with a production assistant. Taeler comes back with some offense. She slams Tara's head on the mat and the crowd cheers for her. Tara hits the Widow's Peak for the win.

Winner by pin: Tara

Tara helps her up and raises her arm.


Joseph Park runs into Bully Ray backstage. Bully says he smells the fear on him. He tells him if he sees him in the crowd or Abyss again it will be the last time anyone sees either one of them.

Tenay and Taz rundown Aries' decision about his title shot. Samoa Joe's music hits.

Joe says since nobody in the back has the guts to say his name he wants kick things off. He calls out James Storm and says he got lucky last week.

BFG Series Open Fight Night: Samoa Joe vs. James Storm

Joe out powers Storm off the bat. He hits a big kick to the head in the corner and applies an armbar but Storm reaches the ropes with his boot. James tries to comeback but Joe hits a quick powerslam. Joe goes back to the arm. They exchange forearms in the center of the ring. Storm ducks a clothesline and hits a shoulderblock and a clothesline as Joe bumps around. Joe hits a kick to the head in the corner, Storm counters out of a rear naked choke and hits the Last Call for the win.

Winner of 7 points by pin: James Storm

Storm celebrates with beer in the ring as he sprays the crowd. Joe comes up and hands him a beer as a sign of respect.

-Video recap of the AJ and Dixie situation

AJ tells Dixie backstage that he can't focus and he's falling apart. He needs to do this now.


Brooke wants more feedback from the Knockouts, she wants to know who wants it more. She wants ODB to get her priorities straight with Eric Young and then Brooke will bring her back strong. ODB leaves.

Bully Ray comes to the ring. He looks for Park in the stands and doesn't see him and says it's about time. RVD, The Pope, and Jeff Hardy are the only ones left to challenge. Bully says he's going to take the easy way out and calls out The Pope for and easy 10 points.

BFG Series Open Fight Night: Bully Ray vs. The Pope

Bully attacks him from behind as Pope tries to disrobe. Bully hits a strong clothesline and makes 2 quick covers. He knocks Pope on his knees and kicks him in the face. Bully whips him in and Pope goes down. Bully misses with a splash on the mat. The Pope hits the ropes and hits a shoulderblock. Bully shakes the ropes and Pope loses his balance up top. Abyss makes his way down the stands. Pope knees Bully out of the ring. Abyss makes his way to ringside and grabs Bully then goes over the guardrail. Bully escapes into the ring and Pope hits a clothesline/Rock Bottom for the win.

Winner of 7 points by pin: The Pope

Abyss follows Bully to the back.

Hogan talks to RVD and Hardy backstage. He says nobody chose them so they must be the odds on favorite to win the whole thing. He say they are the main event tonight.

-Brooke makes her decision next


-Destination X video promo featuring Austin Aries

-Montgomery Gentry video w/ Velvet Sky

TNA Knockouts Championship: Miss Tessmacher (c) vs. ?

Tessmacher makes her entrance. Brooke is backstage with Mickie and Velvet and she thinks they are both amazing. She chooses Mickie James. Velvet congratulates her.

They lock up and make a clean break in the corner. James cartwheels out of an armbar and applies her own. They counter each other with hammer locks. Tessmacher hits a dropkick, Mickie hits a reverse elbow from the ropes. Mickie hits a snap mare and a sliding dropkick. Tessmacher charges in and gets caught with a faceplant. Tessmacher avoids Mickie off the top and hits clotheslines. Mickie reverses the momentum but Tessmacher regains it right back. Mickie hits a mule kick for 2. Tessmacher reverses a neckbreaker attempt and rolls Mickie up for the win.

Winner by pin and STILL TNA Knockouts Champion: Miss Tessmacher

RVD and Hardy make their way to the arena.


BFG Series Main Event: RVD vs. Jeff Hardy

They go back and forth with quick moves. Hardy gets the first offensive with multiple kicks. RVD misses a legdrop on the apron. RVD hits a single leg kick off the top and a Rolling Thunder for 2. RVD hits the split leg moonsault for 2. Hardy counters a suplex with a bulldog. Hardy hits a front suplex and goes up top but misses the Swanton. RVD goes up and misses with a 450 after taking time to point to himself. Hardy hits a spike DDT for a very near fall. Hardy hits an intense Twist of Fate for the win.

Winner of 7 points by pin: Jeff Hardy


-Bound for Glory Leaderboard: Storm is in the lead with 27 points. He is followed by Angle with 10; Anderson, Magnus, Hardy, and Pope each have 7.

AJ and Dixie make their way to the ring hand-in-hand. Dixie grabs a mic and stammers as she stalls. AJ tells her she doesn't have to do this, off mic. He tries to lead her out of the ring. A crying woman comes to the ring. She says she wants to do this. She grabs the mic and says her name is Claire Lynch. She says AJ and Dixie are like family. Claire appears very pregnant. She says Dixie and AJ are not having an affair.

Claire says she is an addict, she drinks and does pills. AJ took her to rehab and kept her secret. She explains the photo and the video. Daniels panics backstage. He comes out and AJ takes him out. Kazarian comes out and gets laid out too. AJ hits a powerbomb on Kazarian and a Pele on Daniels. AJ continues with shots to Daniels on the mat.

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