WWE No Way Out: Triple H Challenges Brock Lesnar
- We get a look back at happenings in the feud between Brock Lesnar and Triple H. Triple H's music hits and out he comes to a big pop.
Triple H talks about how he's not really a corporate guy – he's a fighter and an ass kicker. Triple H says Brock Lesnar thinks he's also a fighter and an ass kicker. Triple H says the last time he saw Lesnar in the ring, he got jumped from behind and his arm broke. Triple H says his arm is feeling a lot better and in a few weeks, it should be 100%. A few weeks after that, he should be back in fighting shape. Triple H says that brings us to the middle of summer some time and proposes a fight for SummerSlam. Get rid of the lawyers, the lawsuits, all the legal junk. Get rid of the fat balding manager, referring to Paul Heyman. Triple H says this is about them two doing what they do – being fighters. Triple H says he wants to fight Lesnar bad. Triple H gets all angry and declares he wants to fight. Triple H says or Brock can be happy with being a quitter. Triple H says he will be waiting and drops the mic before walking to the back.