Backstage News On NXT's Bray Wyatt, JR Comments On Punk Request, FCW Roster

- Jim Ross was asked on Twitter his thoughts on CM Punk wanting him to announce the Punk vs. John Cena WWE Title match on next week's RAW. Ross replied that Punk was a "very bright dude." Ross says he will be at RAW 1000 but does not know if he will be working the show on TV. He wrote last night:


"I'm excited on being in St. L for #RAW1000 & seeing many old friends, WWE HOFers & Legends. Expect lots of surprises. RAW's special 2 me."

- FCW has added Chad Baxter (Derek Foore) and Lincoln Broderick (Marcus Anthony) to their roster page. They have also changed Husky Harris' profile to match his current gimmick Bray Wyatt.

- Speaking of Bray Wyatt, we've noted before that WWE officials are very high on his new gimmick. Wyatt was expected to stay on WWE NXT while he's injured but he was not at the recent NXT tapings. The feeling is that they would rather have him take time off to get healed up after surgery and come back in six months or so with a fresh start. WWE officials want him to pay better attention to his diet and to drop some weight.


Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

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