Charlie Sheen Quits Twitter, Jack Swagger Milestone, John Morrison Appears In Zack Ryder's Latest
- has an article about Jack Swagger granting his first wish for Make-A-Wish to Brandi RedCloud-Owen this past Monday night.
"Being able to be a part of a Make-A-Wish for Brandi was something that really hit home for me," Swagger said. "I know it made her day to have lunch with a WWE Superstar. At the same time, it made my day to be a part of something magical and realize that just the littlest things can make the biggest difference in people's lives."
You can check out the full article by clicking here.
- has a sale for Undertaker Merchandise TODAY, Friday the 13th at this link.
- Charlie Sheen, who was scheduled to be the Celebrity Social Media Ambassador for the 1,000th episode of Raw in a little over a week, has now officially quit Twitter. Sheen was scheduled to be Tweeting during the three-hour episode, and it remains to be seen if he will be given another role for the show.
Sheen sent his final tweet early this morning, writing, "reach for the stars everyone. dogspeed cadre. c out."
- Here is the latest episode of Zack Ryder's "Z! True Long Island Story," featuring John Morrison intervening in a scuffle between Dolph Ziggler and Ryder:
Reject Smurf contributed to this article.