Former TNA Knockout Critical Of How WWE Scouts Female Talent

Steven Muehlhausen of "The Fight Club Chicago" recently interviewed former TNA Knockout Christina Von Eerie (Toxxin). During the interview, Von Eerie discussed how difficult it was to get into WWE.

"Their's always someone that says you have the skill, maybe their's someone whose skinner than you, or you have the look, but maybe their's someone younger than you that has the same look," Von Eerie explained. "For me, I have a bunch of tatoos. What if their's a girl that's smaller, younger and has no tatoos? It's really a gamble or a lottery you never have a guaranteed chance. They can look at you and go 'wow, that person looks completely amazing, awesome!' and then they see someone the next day that has just a little something extra, that little something. You won't even be able to name what it is. They just have it. Just the little fine things.


"I definitely think that a girl that's been training hard and working hard for years and years should get her payoff. It's also up to that girl to be in the best shape possible, look as good as possible, work on your mic skills and I think that girl should get her shot. I don't think it's fair if you pick out a model and say, 'hey, you're signed.'"

You can listen to the entire interview with Von Eerie by clicking here.

