Iron Sheik Rips Hogan & Warrior In NBC Interview, Cena - Olympics, HTM, Masters, Snitsky, More

- The Honky Tonk Man and Greg Valentine are scheduled to appear at the "Wrestling at the Hawk" event on August 18th from Loves Park, IL. You can get more details about the show or purchase tickets by clicking here.


- Gene Snitsky, Chris Masters and Funaki are scheduled to appear at the Branded Outlaw Wrestling show from the Woodlawn Gym in San Antonio, TX on August 18th. For more information, you can contact David Schulze at (210) 371-0460. You can purchase tickets for the show at this link.

- "The P.W.A. Show" podcast interviewed "King" Shane Williams of Crossfire Wrestling. Williams discussed his first match, his upcoming tournament at Crossfire Wrestling, meeting Jerry Lawler, injuries and more.You can listen to the full interview at this link.

- Michele from Starship-Pained.Com has an interview with Resistance Pro's Gabe Baron at this link.

- In between the second and third rounds of the women's sync diving competition at the Olympics today, Kelci Bryant turned to teammate Abby Johnston and did the John Cena "you can't see me" hand gesture, to the amusement of Johnston.


- NBC Olympics has an interview with The Iron Sheik, who was discussing the USA wrestling team since he was a trainer for the U.S. team in 1972. During the "heavily edited" interview, Sheik took some shots at The Ultimate Warrior when asked about Ellis Coleman giving himself the nickname, "Flying Squirrel."

"Flying squirrel remind me of Ultimate Warrior because he a little rat when he jump in ring like that idiot Jose Canseco or Mel Gibson," Sheik said. "I would never respect the squirrel because the squirrel have no [expletive]."

When asked how Hulk Hogan would fare against the current Olympic team, Sheik replied, "Hulk Hogan don't last long like because [a few expletives] he not a real man like the Sheiky baby. He get beat bad like [wow... not printing that] and never make it to Olympics. Only for the Olympics for being [or that]."

You can check out the full interview at this link.

Gilbert Gonzalez and catfish182 contributed to this article.

