Miss Tessmacher Clarifies Remarks On WWE's Divas Division, Nick Dinsmore Thanks TNA Wrestling

- TNA Women's Knockout Champion Miss Tessmacher, who appeared for WWE in 2007, clarified comments she made concerning her former employer this week in regards to its utilization of female talent. When asked on Facebook whether she would ever return to the organization, she wrote, "Why would I want to go back to wwe where they have 3 min matches that typically have no meaning. The women aren't utilized to the potential they bring. They aren't cared about or a priority."

She now says, "Let me clear this up. My comment that was said of the WWE Divas was not to discredit the girls in any way. They are all spectacular and tremendous athletes. My opinion is based on the fact I strongly feel they are not used to their own capabilities and talents. I do think if they were believed in more as the Knockouts where from the company they work for they could showcase themselves better as all around athletes and not just a character or gimmick. I do believe the Knockouts division is the best in the bis and we are used to our potential. At Impact Wrestling women's wrestling does matter!"

- Nick Dinsmore, formerly known as Eugene in WWE, publicly thanked TNA Impact Wrestling for giving him the opportunity to compete in a dark match prior to Thursday's live Impact Wrestling broadcast.

"I would like thank @IMPACTWRESTLING for giving me the opportunity to wrestle a dark match last night in front of the TNA Impact Zone fans," he wrote Friday on Twitter.

