WWE Money In The Bank: Primo And Epico Vs. Darren Young And Titus O'Neil

- They replay Daniel Bryan's interview from the pre-show.

- We go to the ring and out come the WWE Tag Team Champions Kofi Kingston and R-Truth in suits. They take a seat for commentary on the next match.


Titus O'Neil and Darren Young vs. Primo and Epico

AW comes to the stage and introduces the Prime Time Players – Darren Young and Titus O'Neil. Out next comes Rosa Mendes with Primo and Epico.

Titus starts off with Epico. AW is mic'd up at ringside again and we hear him cheering his team on. Epico takes Titus to the corner but he fights out. Primo tags in and they double dropkick Titus. Titus ends up tagging in and Young goes at it with Primo. Epico sends Young out to the floor and Primo leaps out onto him. Titus gets dumped and Epico leaps out onto them all. Epico brings Young back in the ring and covers for 2.

Young turns it around on Epico and tags in Titus. Titus overpowers Epico and takes a shot at Primo. Titus tosses Epico out to the floor and AW asks the fans to give an applause for his team. Titus rams Epico into the ring post and rolls him back into the ring. Titus slams Epico hard and tags back in Young. Titus suplexes Young onto Epico. Young keeps control of Epico and works him over on the apron. Titus tags back in and bends Epico around the ring post. Titus with a backbreaker and a big fallaway slam for a 2 count as Primo breaks it up. Titus whips Epico to the corner as AW makes a Taco Bell joke and tricks Rosa into dancing. Epico and Titus both go down but tag in Young and Primo. They go at it. Titus gets knocked off the apron. Primo with a big chop from the top on Young. Primo with more offense and a splash off the second rope for 2. Primo dropkicks Young into the ropes and jumps onto him. Primo springboards back in but Young catches him in mid-air with knees to the face. Young looks to put him away but Primo gets the win after a quick roll up.


Winners: Primo and Epico

- AW joins his team in the ring as Primo and Epico leave with Rosa. He says it doesn't matter because they are still the #1 contenders. AW, Young and Titus go to ringside and argue with Kofi and Truth. Truth throws water all over AW. Titus and Young hold AW back from going at it Kofi. Truth holds Lil' Jimmy back. Kofi's music hits as Young and O'Neil leave with AW.

