WWE Referee Talks Bump From Brock Lesnar, Jerry Lawler Movie, Shawn Michaels Note

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- Pitch.com has an interview with John Cone, who was promoting next Tuesday's SmackDown taping in Kansas City, MO. During the interview, Cone spoke about the biggest bump he's ever taken.

"It was Extreme Rules again, just a couple of months ago," Cone revealed. "Brock Lesnar was wrestling John Cena, and the official for the match was Charles Robinson. He got knocked down, and I come running down the aisle. I think Brock had Cena in a pin attempt, and I slid into the ring, got a two count, and as I stood up, here comes Lesnar with a clothesline. I didn't remember much afterward. And then he kicks me in the stomach as I try to get out of the ring."


Cone also discussed getting his start in WWE, what angle inspired him to become a referee and more, you can check out the full interview by clicking here.

- The horror comedy Girls Gone Dead, which features Jerry Lawler, hit retail stores this week and is available on Amazon.com at this link. You can check out a trailer for the flick at girlsgonedeadmovie.com.

- The newly released "Shawn Michaels Signature Deuce Brand watch" is officially available today, you can order it at this link. You can check out HBK donning the watch below:

