WWE SmackDown Recap With Video: New #1 Contender, Intercontinental Rematch

Welcome to the WrestlingInc.com WWE SmackDown Recap.

-New intro tag

-RAW 1000 highlights

-Opening video and pyro

Tonight Daniel Bryan, Kane, Rey Mysterio, And Alberto Del Rio will face-ff in a Fatal 4 Way to determine the #1 Contender for the World Championship.


Lilian Garcia introduces the new Intercontinental Champion The Miz.

-Video of Miz' title win against Christian on Monday

Miz says Christian's fans voted for him to defend at RAW 1000 and he lost. Christian interrupts him and says he's invoking his rematch clause.

WWE Intercontinental Championship: Christian vs. The Miz

They square off and trade shots in the corner. Christian hits a back bodydrop. Miz tries a suplex from the apron but Christian pulls him to the floor and hits him with a dropkick and brings him back in the ring.

Miz retaliates with a knee to the gut and goes on a mean streak of strikes and makes the cover for 2. Miz launches him over the top rope and to the outside.


Miz hits a boot to the face and gets 2. Christian works up from a headlock but Miz drops him in a neckbreaker and gets a 2. Miz rushes in the corner but Christian gets both boots up and Miz goes down.


Christian goes up top but Miz intercepts. Christian avoids the superplex and punches Miz off and hits the Frogsplash and he get a 2. Miz answers with a cover and gets 2. Christian hits a missile dropkick from the turnbuckle and they both struggle to get up. Christian goes up and hits a crossbody but the pin is still no good.

They do a nice series of quick counters and near-falls. Christian hits a reverse elbow from the 2nd turnbuckle. Miz counters a Kill Switch and hits a vicious DDT with Christian on his knees but Christian kicks out. Christian looks for the spear but Miz ducks out of the ring. Christian gives chase which gives Miz the advantage back in the ring. They do more counters, Miz slaps Christian in the eye, Christian swings wildly and Miz ducks and rolls him up for the win.

Winner and STILL WWE Intercontinental Champion: The Miz

-The replay shows that Miz hit him with a thumb to the eye and also grabbed his tights to get leverage on the pin.

-Sheamus faces Cody Rhodes later


Jinder Mahal vs. Ryback

Mahal enters and Ryback comes out to a nice pop. Ryback powers Mahal to the corner on the lock-up. Mahal fights back but Ryback kicks him in the face and hits a fall-away slam. Mahal hits some shots from the apron and a knee to the temple. Mahal hits a high knee to the face and goes for a cover and only gets 1. Ryback is rocked a couple more times.


Mahal gets another 1. Mahal keeps dropping kicks and elbows. Mahal goes for the Camel Clutch but Ryback just stands up with Mahal on his back hits a sit-down spinebuster. Ryback says "My turn," and hits a spinebuster and goes for a clothesline but Mahal ducks it and high-tails it out of there and gets counted out.

Winner by countout: Ryback

Ryback chants "Feed Me More."


-Cole, Booker, and Josh all have Sonic drink cups in front of them.

-video of CM Punk heel turn

Daniel Bryan is in the locker room and he is staring with intensity into the distance. Sheamus shows up and he has a present in his hand. He says he knows Bryan has had a rough week and also mentions Charlie Sheen. Bryan says who cares about him. Sheamus gives him the gift and says it was for his wedding but it may come in handy one day. Sheamus leaves. Bryan opens it and it's a book with a cover picture of Sheamus giving the Brogue Kick to Bryan from WrestleMania called, "How To? Last More Than 18 Seconds." Bryan drops the book and says, "You think this is funny?"


Sheamus vs. Cody Rhodes

Sheamus hits an elbow to Cody's nose and he goes out of the ring and protests to the ref. They trade shots in the ring and Sheamus ends it with a backbreaker for 2. Cody keeps going toe-to-toe with him. Sheamus hits his forearms-in-the-ropes spot. Cody rams Sheamus into the steel post from the apron and Sheamus falls to the outside. Cody encourages the ref to makes the count. Sheamus just barely makes it in.


Ziggler's music hits and he and Vickie walk out, briefcase in-hand.


Cody is in control in the ring as Ziggler eagerly looks on from ringside. Cody hits a dropkick and a knee to the temple and gets two near-falls. Cody drops elbows on the apron and rolls on but only gets 1 and Sheamus defiantly kicks out. Sheamus powers out of a full-nelson and hits a back bodydrop. Ziggler confers with Vickie. Sheamus hits a flurry of offense and slams Cody for 2.

Sheamus glares at Ziggler. Cody hits a drop toe-hold to the turnbuckle and goes up top but Sheamus avoids the beautiful moonsault and hits the Irish Curse for 2. Cody counters White Noise but Cody knocks him out of the ring. Sheamus goes up top but Cody pulls him off and hits the Disaster Kick but Sheamus kicks out. Cody goes for it again but Sheamus catches him in mid-air and hits White Noise. Sheamus hits the Brogue Kick for the win.

Winner by pin: Sheamus

Ziggler keeps teasing getting in the ring. He takes off his shirt and almost gives the case to the ref but decides he wants no part of a victorious Sheamus. Ziggler walks up the ramp and is attacked from behind who throws Ziggler to Sheamus in the ring. Sheamus hits him with the Brogue Kick. Jericho is dressed in a pink Ziggler T-shirt. Jericho looks on at Ziggler, amused, as Ziggler slowly gets up. Jericho hits him with the Codebreaker.



Santino vs. Antonio Cesaro

Santino tries to grapple with Cesaro. Cesaro hits him with a cheap shot to the face and slam Santino in a gut-wrench suplex for 2. Santino hits a suplex and pulls out his Cobra. Aksana distracts him from the apron but he scares her off. Cesaro ducks the Cobra and drops Santino across the top rope and hits his faceplant finisher for the quick win.

Winner by pin: Cesaro

-Video of Damien Sandow's interaction with DX from Monday

Sandow walks past personnel backstage with a disgusted nose in the air as he walks toward the arena.


Yoshi Tatsu is in the ring as Lilian introduces Sandow.

Damien Sandow vs. Yoshi Tatsu

Sandow walks to the ring with a purpose and gives no pre-match promo this week. Sandow viciously goes at Yoshi and tosses out of the ring. Sandow violently thrashes Yoshi into the security wall. Back in the ring Sandow drops Yoshi on his head and hits the Elbow of Distain and his finisher for the quick and decisive win.

Winner by pin: Sandow

Sandow grabs a mic and says to whoever enjoyed what DX did to him, "I am your martyr, you're welcome."


-HHH-Brock video from RAW

#1 Contender's Fatal 4 Way: Kane vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Rey Mysterio


Del Rio and Rey go at it while Kane and Bryan mix it up. Rey and Bryan take out their respective foes and go at it in the ring. They hit a double clothesline and Br Rey and Bryan take out their respective foes and go at it in the ring. They hit a double clothesline and Bran makes the cover as Kane throws Del Rio into the steps on the outside. Rey goes for 619 on Bryan but he is intercepted by Del Rio with a vicious clothesline. Bryan takes out Del Rio and Kane comes in and takes it to Bryan.

Kane goes for a double chokeslam on Rey and Bryan but they counter and try a tandem suplex but Kane powers them over and suplexes them at the same time.


Del Rio and Bryan take turns covering Kane and breaking the pins. Bryan hits vicious kicks to Del Rio in the corner. Del Rio ducks the running dropkick and hits a kick to Bryan's head and applies the cross-armbreaker. Rey comes off the top to save the match. He gets 2 on Del Rio. Rey hits a running dropkick to Del Rio in the corner. Kane is back in action now and he clotheslines Del Rio out of the ring and goes after Rey. Kane gets a couple of near-falls on Rey.

Rey gets his boots up in the corner and counters Kane from up on his shoulders and hits a DDT to lay Kane out. Rey goes up top but Kane scouts the hurricanrana and catches Rey in mid-air by his feet. Del Rio comes in and hits a front dropkick right to Rey's face in a great looking spot. Del Rio kicks Kane in the head to avoid the chokeslam but Bryan rushes in to break the count.


Bryan hits several Yes Kicks to Del Rio and applies the Yes Lock. Kane comes in to catch Del Rio's hand from tapping. Kane clotheslines Bryan out of the ring and slips through the cross-armbreaker and hits a chokeslam but Rey breaks the count.

Rey gets a near-fall on Del Rio. Rey hits a simultaneous 619 on both Bryan and Del Rio. Rey goes up top and delivers a suicide dive on Bryan but Ricardo pulls him out, allowing Del Rio to make the cover for the win.

Winner and NEW #1 Contender: Del Rio

