WWE SmackDown Results - The Great American Bash Battle Royal, Legends Return, More

- Tonight's WWE Super SmackDown opens up with Primo, Epico, The Usos, Alicia Fox, Natalya, Yoshi Tatsu, Hunico, Camacho, Hornswoggle, Rosa Mendes, Kaitlyn, Tamina and some others are having a cookout. Teddy Long walks in and welcomes everyone to the Great American Bash. He's got Eve Torres dressed in a name tag and he says she has volunteered to clean up the party. Teddy introduces the United States Champion Santino Marella. Santino goes to light the grill when Kane appears. Kane sets fire to the grill and everyone starts to dance. We go to the normal intro video.

- Josh Mathews, Michael Cole and Booker T welcome us to the show and hype the big 20-man battle royal for tonight. Cole says he will be interviewing AJ Lee tonight. He calls her the most controversial person in WWE. We go to the ring and Lilian Garcia introduces Ricardo Rodriguez, who begins the introduction of Alberto Del Rio.

We get a look back at Del Rio destroying Sin Cara on RAW. Del Rio says he isn't here to celebrate America – he's here to talk about something more important – him. Del Rio says he will defeat Sheamus and send him back to Ireland crying like a little girl. Del Rio says Sheamus is just like the fans – a common peasant, a hooligan. Del Rio continues ripping into the fans. He has Ricardo point out a fan at ringside. Del Rio tells the guy to show him his papers. Del Rio says the guy doesn't deserve to be here. He walks around ringside ripping the Spanish fans. He calls one kid a little alien. Del Rio finds an obvious plant and asks for security to remove him because he's here illegally. Del Rio goes after the man and Sheamus comes out. Del Rio shoves Ricardo into Sheamus but Sheamus pushes him aside and they go at it. Sheamus and Del Rio fight up the ramp. Sheamus stops and lays out Ricardo on the stage. Sheamus goes to the side of the ramp and works over Del Rio. Ricardo comes back over and this allows for Del Rio to drop Sheamus. They double team him for a minute. Ricardo opens the hood of the car. Del Rio leans Sheamus on the car and slams the hood over his back repeatedly. Del Rio talks trash as Sheamus is down on the floor. We go to commercial.

- Back from the break and we see a replay of what just happened to Sheamus. Officials help Sheamus to his feet and he's busted open.

The Great Khali and Layla vs. Antonio Cesaro and Aksana

We go to the ring and out comes WWE Divas Champion Layla with her partner The Great Khali. Out next comes the team of Aksana and Antonio Cesaro.

Cesaro strikes first with lefts and rights but Khali takes him to the corner for a big chop. Cesaro counters and takes out Khali's knee then stomps away in the corner. Khali turns it around again for a big chop. Khali hits a big overhand shot and Cesaro tags in Aksana. Layla comes in and tackles her. They roll around. Layla spanks her and slams her before going for a 2 count. Cesaro breaks the pin but gets tossed out of the ring by Khali. Layla and Aksana tangle before Layla gets the pin for the win.

Winners: Layla and The Great Khali

- Teddy Long runs into Cody Rhodes backstage. Cody says the Board has granted him another Money in the Bank qualifying match tonight. Teddy says they are letting him pick the opponent. He says it won't be against someone who is trying to qualify... it will be against Christian. Back to commercial.

Money in the Bank Qualifying Match: Cody Rhodes vs. Christian

Back from the break and out comes Cody Rhodes. If he wins this one, he earns a spot in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match in two weeks. Out next comes the WWE Intercontinental Champion Christian, who is already in the match.

They lock up and go at it. Cody with an early pin attempt. They go to lock up again but Cody kicks him, slams him and goes for another pin attempt. Christian fights back and drops Cody with a right hand. Cody fights out of the corner but Christian slams him on his face for a 2 count. Cody hits a Disaster kick and gets another 2 count on Christian. And another. Cody looks up at the briefcase hanging above the ring as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Christian fights free from a hold. Cody counters and slams Christian on his back for another pin attempt. Cody with a front suplex and another pin attempt. Cody takes Christian back to the corner and keeps control of the match. Cody climbs up for a superplex but Christian fights him off. Christian connects with a missile dropkick. Christian makes a comeback and climbs up to the top. Christian hits the crossbody but Cody kicks out at 2. Cody makes a comeback now and goes for Alabama Slam but Christian kicks out at 2. More back and forth. Cody argues with the referee after a close count. Cody goes to untie the turnbuckle and gets hit by Killswitch for a 2 count. Christian readies for a spear but Cody kicks him. Cody misses a Disaster kick but blocks Killswitch. Cody hits Cross Rhodes for the win and a spot in Money in the Bank.

Winner: Cody Rhodes

- We go back to the cookout. Heath Slater interrupts and tries to sing but they boo him away. Zack Ryder plays Brodus Clay's music which brings in Clay, Cameron and Naomi. Everyone dances. Back to commercial.

Money in the Bank Qualifying Match: Alex Riley vs. Dolph Ziggler

Back from the break and Alex Riley is waiting in the ring. Vickie Guerrero comes out and introduces Dolph Ziggler. The bell rings and Ziggler runs his mouth. Riley dropkicks him and covers for a close 2 count. Ziggler comes back and drops Riley on his head for a pin attempt.

Ziggler drops a big leg drop and covers for 2. Ziggler takes Riley to the mat with a headlock and holds it. Riley breaks free and looks to make a comeback but it's stopped. More back and forth. Ziggler ends up getting the win with a Zig Zag. Ziggler qualifies for Money in the Bank.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

- Up next is Michael Cole's interview with AJ. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Cole is in the ring. He brings out AJ Lee and here she comes. Cole is going to let her explain everything. We see footage from last night's RAW where she pushed CM Punk and Daniel Bryan through the table. Cole asks her what was she thinking. She says a lot of people have asked her that. Cole says she wasn't thinking. Cole says the Board made a mistake by making AJ the special referee for Money in the Bank. Cole calls her a troubled little girl. Cole calls her a teenager and says she's playing a tug of war with Punk and Bryan. Cole asks if she ever thought about pursuing a real man, someone like him. Cole starts flirting with AJ when he's interrupted by Daniel Bryan.

Punk makes Cole get out of the ring. He talks about what happened and he's upset. He's not going to pretend it didn't happen and he won't suck up to AJ just because she's the special referee. Punk says he's going to be blunt and honest with AJ because that's what she deserves. Punk says he's worried about her because she's not in a good place mentally. Punk says he's sorry and goes on. He says AJ is a sweet girl and Bryan interrupts him. Bryan says that was a load of garbage. He says Punk is acting like he cares about AJ. Bryan says he's the one that cares about AJ. They drop the mics and AJ gets in between. AJ faces Bryan and kisses him for a minute. They keep on and Punk goes to leave the ring. AJ runs out, stops Punk and then kisses him for a minute. AJ skips off up the ramp as her music plays. She stops and chants yes as Bryan and Punk look on shocked. Back to commercial.

Santino Marella, Sgt. Slaughter and Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. Drew McIntyre, Hunico, Camacho

Back from the break and out comes WWE United States Champion Santino Marella. He introduces his partners – Sgt. Slaughter and Hacksaw Jim Duggan. Their opponents wait in the ring. Camacho starts out with Slaughter. Slaughter works him over and tags in Santino. Camacho beats Santino down. Hunico tags in for a 2 count. Drew tags in and they double team Santino. McIntyre with a suplex for a 2 count. Santino fights back but Drew beats him down. Hunico and Duggan tag in at the same time. Duggan unloads and hits the big clothesline but Camacho and Drew break up the pin. Slaughter dumps Camacho to the floor after everyone fights in the ring. It comes down to Santino hitting Cobra on Hunico for the win.

Winners: Santino Marella, Sgt. Slaughter and Hacksaw Jim Duggan

- We go back to the cookout and everyone is still dancing. R-Truth is there with Little Jimmy. Damien Sandow walks in and unplugs the music. He says this isn't what our founding fathers had in mind. Zack Ryder stops him and asks what his problem is. Sandow says WWE is a reflection of our society and everyone stops him. Ryder says Sandow can leave and they start chanting Ryder's name. Sandow beats him down but Ryder fights back. Ryder goes to throw a bowl of red punch on Sandow but he ducks and it splashes all over Eve. Everyone laughs as Eve screams and storms off. Teddy has the music put back on and the dancing continues.

Curt Hawkins vs. Ryback

Back from the break and Tyler Reks is in the ring with Curt Hawkins. Reks says he knows he can beat Ryback and Hawkins thinks he can. Hawkins will have the chance to next. Ryback's music hits and out he comes. Hawkins goes behind and hits Ryback but it doesn't phase him. Ryback overpowers Hawkins and tosses him around, slamming his head into the mat. Ryback with a big overhead throw. Ryback misses a clothesline but follows up with an even bigger clothesline. Ryback hits his finisher for the win.

Winner: Ryback

- We see footage from earlier when Alberto Del Rio and Sheamus brawled. It's announced Sheamus can't compete in tonight's battle royal.

- Back from the break and there's more hype for the 1,000th RAW. We get a preview for SyFy's Haunted Highway show, which premieres next after SmackDown.

- Teddy Long comes to the stage to make sure everyone has had fun. He thanks the fans and the Board of Directors. Teddy says he's had a blast tonight and thanks everyone again. He says it's time to find out who SmackDown's General Manager will be next week.

20-Man Great American Bash Battle Royal

Out first comes Alberto Del Rio for tonight's main event. The pyro goes off and Kane is out next. Jack Swagger is out next followed by John Cena before we take a commercial break.

Back from the break and several more Superstars are in the ring. Tensai comes out followed by WWE Champion CM Punk and Big Show. Show hits the ring and here we go. Everyone goes at it. Show chops Justin Gabriel and eliminates him. Show eliminates Brodus Clay next. The Great Khali works on Heath Slater while Santino goes at it with Ryder. Ezekiel Jackson gets eliminated. Sandow comes close to eliminating Cena but he fights back in. Tensai and several others eliminate Khali.

Sandow gets eliminated. Santino is out next. Kane and Tensai go at it now. Cody fights Big Show and gets grabbed by the throat. Show also grabs Kofi Kingston and eliminates them both at the same time. We go back to commercial.

Back from the break and it's down to 10 Superstars. Punk and Bryan go at it in the middle of the ring. Punk charges and eliminates himself as well as Bryan. Kane and Tensai go at it. Kane drops Tensai and then Christian. Kane attacks Del Rio next and hits a big sideslam. Kane grabs Show and chokeslams him after a struggle. Tensai brawls Kane into the corner and beats him down. Del Rio joins in and they double team him. Ziggler, Tensai and Del Rio go after Cena now and take turns hitting him. Cena fights them off and unloads, hitting the usual moves. Cena eliminates Del Rio. Cena hits the Attitude Adjustment on Kane but gets dropped by Tensai. Tensai tries to eliminate Cena but he holds on.

Cena fights back and eliminates Tensai. Show comes from behind and eliminates Cena. Ryder charges but Show spears him. Show catches Christian in mid-air and eliminates him. Ziggler jumps on Show's back and applies the sleeper. Kane comes over and big boots them both for a double elimination. It's down to Kane and Zack Ryder. Ryder charges but Kane knocks him to the mat. Kane stomps Ryder down in the corner and scoops him for a Tombstone. Ryder slides out but gets hit with a big boot. Ryder trips Kane in the corner and hits the Broski Boot. Ryder goes for the Ruff Ryder but Kane grabs him for a chokeslam. Ryder slides out and ducks as Kane charges, sending him over the top rope for the win. Zack Ryder will be the SmackDown General Manager next week.

Winner: Zack Ryder

- Ryder celebrates in the ring as SmackDown goes off the air.

