TNA Live Event Results From Tulsa, OK (8/5) - Austin Aries Vs. Jeff Hardy, Aries Works As A Heel

Thanks to reader Casey England for sending in these results from last night's TNA live event in Tulsa, OK:

I attended the TNA event in Tulsa tonight and it was an awesome experience. This was my first TNA event to go to and by far it was better than the four WWE events I've attended in the past.


The "Meet & Greet" started at 4pm. The TNA wrestlers doing the "Meet & Greet" were Christopher Daniels, Kazarian, Doug Williams, The Pope and Zema Ion. I didn't get their autographs because the line was huge.

After the "Meet & Greet" was getting ready to end, the new ShopTNA merchandise guy Jimmy J. made a few announcements. The biggest one was that James Storm was going to be signing autographs at the merchandise booth and if you had any James Storm merchandise, you can have your picture taken w/ James Storm (I was one of the lucky ones). Other announcements were that if you bought a championship belt, you got a lifetime backstage pass to all TNA non-televised events in the future and if you bought Samoa Joe's action figure, you can go backstage and get it autographed.


Right before the event was getting ready to start, Jimmy J. announced they were selling 24 backstage passes for $50 each (each pass good for 2 people), and he also announced that Miss Tessmacher was going to be signing autographs during intermission at the merchandise booth.

The event started around 6pm. Jimmy J. introduced Jeremy Borash as the ring announcer for the evening. Borash got the crowd all hyped up and said this is the first time that TNA has come to Tulsa.

MATCH 1 – Jeff Hardy wins a Battle Royal and gets a shot at the TNA Championship later in the evening. Match was about 5 minutes. The last two wrestlers to be eliminated were Daniels & Kazarian. Other participants were Doug Williams, Zema Ion, James Storm, Samoa Joe and Mr. Anderson.

MATCH 2 – Miss Tessmacher defeated Gail Kim to retain the TNA Knockouts Championship. Great Knockouts match that lasted about 6 to 8 minutes. Tess hits the "Tesshocker" for the win.

MATCH 3 – Zema Ion defeated Doug Williams to retain the X-Division Championship. This one was good. At the beginning of the match, they locked up twice & Doug got Ion in the corner during both lock ups and each time Doug got Zema in the corner, Zema would scream like a girl, grab his hairspray and started hairspraying his hair (it's real Hairspray! Zema didnt have his fashion model hairstyle, it was his usual afro.) The match lasted about 8 minutes. At the end, Zema got his hairspray and Doug grabbed it and dropped it and as soon as the ref went to get it, Zema lowblows Doug & rolls him up w/ a handful of tights.


MATCH 4 – Christopher Daniels defeated The Pope in a Bound For Glory Series Match earning 7 points. Daniels & Kazarian have new music. It was some type of pop song and Daniels & Kazarian were dancing very oddly to it. After they did their posing, they got on the microphone & Kazarian asked us Oklahomans, "have you all recovered from the night LeBron James made you all his b—h?" which made everybody mad. Then he called all the people from Tulsa "Tulsa Twats". Daniels starts talking about when he moves his hips, the girls lick their lips and that he and Kaz were "sexual deliciousness". Pope comes out and tells them to shut the hell up. Pope said a few other things to get the crowd hyped up. Match was about 5 minutes. The ending was Kazarian hitting Pope w/ a title belt and Daniels connected w/ the Best Moonsault Ever.

Intermission lasted about 20 minutes. Miss Tessmacher was at the merchandise booth signing autographs and if anybody had bought her banner, they would get their picture taken with her. I got her autograph, but i didn't get my picture taken w/ her (didn't want to get out of line to buy a banner). Also during this time, the people that bought the $50 backstage pass and the ones that got the lifetime backstage passes went backstage.


MATCH 5 – Mr. Anderson defeated Kazarian. Daniels & Kazarian came back out dancing very oddly to their new theme song again. Mr. Anderson comes out and calls for his mic to be dropped, but referee Brian Hebner had to inform Anderson that his mic wasn't hooked up. Anderson got sad and the crowd booed because they didn't have Anderson's mic ready. So Hebner had Anderson call for the mic again and while Anderson had his hand up in the air, Brian Hebner brings in a chair, gets on the chair w/ a mic in his hand and he slowly brought down the mic into Anderson's hand which made Anderson happy and the crowd was cheering.

Anderson started doing his introduction and before he could finish saying "Anderson!!!", Kaz attacks him from behind. A few seconds later, Kaz went to do a suicide dive to the outside on Anderson, but he missed and landed on Daniels. Anderson was able to finish "Anderson!!!" and Brian Hebner got on the mic and said "hey Chris, while you're licking your wounds, get your ass to the back. you're outta here!!!" the crowd went nuts and Daniels was flipping out. Kazarian acted like his feelings got hurt.

Anyway, the match lasted another 6 minutes. Anderson won w/ the mic-check. After the match, Anderson went to say his name again, but he had an idea. He walked up to this little kid who was sitting front row and Anderson asked the kid his name and the kid said his name. Anderson then said, "the winner of the match from Green Bay, Wisconsin...." & the kid said "Misterrr!!! Anderson!!!" Anderson said, "wait for it... wait for it." The kid then said "Anderson!!!" and the crowd just went nuts and was applauding this little kid. I thought it was awesome.


MATCH 6 – Samoa Joe defeated James Storm. Nice back and forth match that lasted about 8 to 10 minutes. In the end, Storm went for his version of the codebreaker and Joe countered w/ a roll-up.

Before the main event started, Jeremy Borash is getting the crowd all hyped up again and said that this is TNA's first time in Tulsa and they've had such a great time. J.B. said in about 16 hours (at that point) he was going to be back at TNA HQ & he said he's going to talk to TNA about bringing a pay-per-view to Tulsa in the near future and everybody went nuts.

MAIN EVENT – Austin Aries defeated Jeff Hardy to retain the TNA Championship. Believe it or not... Austin Aries was the heel in this match. Before the match started, Austin gets on the mic and says how much everybody loves Hardy and was talking about how cool it must be when Hardy throws his to shirt to crowd. Austin went to do the same thing, but he gave it to some girl that was sitting by the TNA crew. Austin said, "I don't get paid to be someone's friend, I get paid to kick someone's ass." He then tells Hardy that he's not going to win and said, "let's have a good catch-as-catch-can match" and "may the best man win or may the greatest man that ever lived win."


Great match that lasted about 15 minutes. At the end, Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate but Austin countered and pinned Hardy w/ Austin's feet on the ropes. At the end of the match, Austin went to shake Hardy's hand like "no hard feelings" or whatever and Hardy hits him w/ a Twist of Fate to end the show.

After the show, Jeremy Borash is in the ring with Jeff Hardy and announced to the TNA fans that they can take a single photo or a group photo with Hardy in the ring for just $20. While I was waiting to get my picture taken with Hardy, Earl Hebner was sitting at the merchandise booth giving autographs and i was able to get his autograph, and I got my picture taken w/ Jeff Hardy.

Overall, my first TNA event turned out to be an awesome wrestling show. I can't wait until they return.

Casey England contributed to this article.

