Triple H Updates HBK's Condition After RAW, Note On AW's WWE Release, McMahon's Campaign

- Linda McMahon's Senate campaign spent $1.5 million to air almost 1,600 television ads from January 1st, 2012 until August 6th.

- After Shawn Michaels was loaded into an ambulance following last night's RAW, WWE's website spoke to Triple H, who was concerned for his friend. Triple H said Shawn was at a hospital and his arm is broken. Triple H had words for his SummerSlam opponent Brock Lesnar and said he better show up on Sunday because it's personal.


- We noted earlier that former WWE talent AW spoke with about his release and says he was fired for last week's Linda McMahon tweet.

In an interesting tidbit from that interview, he revealed that he received a phone call last Friday from WWE executive Jane Geddes informing him of the release. This shows that Geddes is now handling the departures. Previously that was a duty of John Laurinaitis but as we have noted, Laurinaitis lost many of his duties to new Triple H hires and recently lost the job of VP of Talent Relations.

