Why John Laurinaitis Wasn't At This Week's WWE Tapings, Stephanie McMahon Runway Video
- John Laurinaitis was not backstage at this week's WWE TV tapings because he has taken some time off after having shoulder surgery late last week.
We've been covering how Laurinaitis has lost a lot of his power and duties within the company. Laurinaitis is now considered the head producer/agent at WWE live events. Word is that Laurinaitis doesn't even have an office at WWE headquarters anymore. With that said, there are still plans to bring him back to TV as a character this year.
- Stephanie McMahon gets the Superstar Spotlight spot on WWE's website today. Speaking of Stephanie, here is a Tout video of her walking the runway at the "Strut: The Fashionable Mom Show" catwalk show during NYC Fashion Week.