WWE Night Of Champions: Zack Ryder Vs. Antonio Cesaro (US Title Match)
- Teddy Long and Booker T are talking about the tag title match when Eve Torres comes in. She says Kaitlyn twisted her ankle and the trainers say she cannot compete tonight. They wonder who's going to compete against Layla. Booker says she earned a shot and has been doing a good job as his assistant. Booker says this will be a reward for Eve. Eve thanks him and walks off. Booker tells Teddy he will holla at him in a minute and walks off, leaving Teddy look confused.
- We go ringside to Cole and JBL. They talk about partnering with the Susan G. Komen Foundation to fight breast cancer. The middle rope will be pink throughout October.
WWE United States Title Match: Zack Ryder vs. Antonio Cesaro
We go to the ring and out comes Aksana with WWE United States Champion Antonio Cesaro. Aksana says Cesaro is going to describe this match in five different languages and he says it's un-fair. Out comes his opponent Zack Ryder.
Cesaro strikes first and takes Ryder down. Cesaro with more offense before mocking Ryder. Ryder makes a comeback and takes Cesaro down for 2. Cesaro catches Ryder and drops his neck over the top rope. Cesaro with more offense and a big clothesline for 2. Cesaro picks up Ryder and carries him around before suplexing him for 2. Cesaro chokes Ryder on the ropes now.
Cesaro with a pair of stomps and another pin attempt. Cesaro with more offense and another 2 count. Ryder fights out of a headlock and they trade shots in the middle of the ring. Cesaro catches Ryder, lifts him in the air and hits a big uppercut on the way down. Cesaro with another 2 count. Cesaro with boots in the corner now. Cesaro with a neckbreaker type submission with Ryder on his back now. Ryder counters Cesaro and hits him with an elbow and clothesline. Ryder catches Cesaro again and rolls him up for 2. Ryder with a boot and a missile dropkick from the top for 2. Cesaro fights back but Ryder counters him with a neckbreaker for another pin attempt. Fans chant for Ryder as Cesaro drops him on the top. Ryder climbs up and hurricanranas Cesaro to the mat. Ryder calls for the Broski Boot but Aksana helps Cesaro out of the way. Cesaro runs back in the ring and Ryder chases. Cesaro hits a big uppercut and then the Neutralizer for the win.
Winner: Antonio Cesaro
- Cesaro and Aksana make out in the ring as we go to a promo for Saturday Morning Slam.