Another Report From WWE's Live Event In Wichita (9/30): Punk Stretchered, Sandow, Heyman Appears
Thanks to reader Ryan Williams for sending in these results from last night's RAW live event in Wichita, KS:
Show starts with Justin Roberts announcing RAW GM AJ Lee. AJ comes skipping out to the delight of the audience and informs the crowd that she has some bad news, but before she can continue CM Punk interrupts her and comes out to the ring followed closely by Paul Heyman. Punk breaks the news to the crowd that Cena will not be here tonight because he broke his spirit and his body and says that since he doesn't have a match tonight he will be leaving. But AJ stops him, telling him he dose have a match against Big Show. The crowd goes wild, and she also informs us that it will be a fans choice match between a 2 out of 3 falls match or a lumberjack match. The crowd seemed to be fully behind the lumberjack match, which is good because the pools seemed to come up suspiciously fast in its favor. As soon as Punk and Heyman leave, Justin informs the crowd that if they want a refund they can do so before the end of the second match. No one that I saw seemed to take the offer, though.
The first match was a tag team match for the titles, R-Truth came out first with a new rap I hadn't heard before, it was in the same tune and style of his old entrance rap but this one made reference to Lil' Jimmy and getting back the tag team belts. I thought it was a nice treat for the fans and they seemed to love it. Then Kofi came out sporting his amazing looking Skeletor inspired ring gear which the nerd in me really appreciates. Daniel Bryan is next and the crowd starts the "Yes" chants and in typical style, Bryan gets in a shouting match with a member of the crowd. Lastly, Kane comes out, met with cheers from the crowd, and he enters the ring him and Bryan begin to declare themselves the tag team champions. Bryan gets booed every time he makes this claim and Kane gets cheered when he raises the belt, they soon move onto arguing on who will start first, but soon the match begins with Bryan vs. R-Truth.
R-Truth spends most of the start controlling the match and leading the crowd in "What's up, Goat Face" chants but soon he is knocked down and Byran and Kane gain control. Later on in the match R-truth tags in Kofi and he gains momentum over Kane until Kane hits the Sidewalk slam, he then sets up the chokeslam but Bryan tags him and says he has a idea, Kane holds Kofi upright while Bryan climbs the top turnbuckle and jumps to hit the elbow to the top of Kofi's head but misses and hits Kane. The two begin to argue but soon Kane tries calm things down with a hug which the crowd is very much behind. Of course Bryan refuses so Kofi and Truth, who have been looking on in the ring, show him how its done by hugging each other, then Kane walks over and hugs both Truth and Kofi and they invite Bryan to join them in a group hug, but again Bryan refuses and runs at them but ends up jumping legs first into the turnbuckle. The match soon ends with Kane hitting the chokeslam on Kofi and he receives both tag belts from the Ref, Bryan demands his belt back but after being denied he starts to walk away very sad, but before he exists the ring Kane feels sorry for him and offers him the belts.... for a hug. Bryan gives up and hugs Kane and gets his belt back, but while Kane celebrates Bryan grabs the Kane's belt and runs away with Kane following behind.
Next we have a match for the Diva's Championship with Eve defending against Layla. It was your standard Diva's match that the men seemed to like, as well as one very loud women behind me who kept referring to Layla as "girlfriend". Luckily the match was short.
Next was Dean Ambrose vs. Michael Mcgillicutty. No one seemed to know who to know who Dean was, but Mcgillicutty got a pretty good response. Mcgillicutty won the match and we move on, it was a good match overall.
Next was Santino vs. Tensai. The crowd loved Santino, but Tensai was met with very loud "Albert" chants, which he seems to be apathetic about. The match goes off without a hitch and ends with Santino attempting to hit the Cobra but Tensai blocking and trying to use it against Santino, but soon Santino hits it and pins Tensai for the win.
We come back to Brodus Clay vs. Damien Sandow. The Funkadactyls came out with Brodus and did their dance and Sandow followed cutting a good promo. The match starts well with Brodus coming after Sandow, which Sandow responds with a yelp as he exists the ring. The match continues with Brodus and the crowd calling him a chicken. Brodus even does a little chicken dance to emphasize this fact. This was a good comedy match with Brodus picking up the win with his finisher and some kids are brought to the ring to dance. Two of the kids had some moves, the crowd loved it.
Next is Antonio Cesaro defending his title against Zack Ryder. Antonio comes out first to loud boos and cuts a promo proclaiming that he is the United States Champion which means he is the champion of all 49 states of America (since the crowd has treated their champion so terribly, he has declared that Kansas is no longer a state). Zack then comes out to cheers and the match begins. Antonio controls most of the match with plenty of chokeholds and Ryder being thrown out of the ring and slammed into the ringpost. But Ryder does hit the Broski Boot and tries to hit his finisher, but he is countered but Antonio's finisher and the match ends.
It is now time for the main event with Big Show coming out first to a big pop. Since Big Show played basketball at WSU, he is treated like a hometown hero and Big Show seems happy to be here... he even pretends to shoot a basket and talks to the crowd. But soon, CM Punk comes out with Paul Heyman and the crowd does not like it. He, of course, insults any fan who stands up to confront him including calling one women "Horse Face," insulting someone's girlfriend and other such gems. AJ comes out to announce the results of the fan poll and the lumberjack match won by a landslide. Puck tries to leave, but is stopped by the lumberjacks who are all the wrestlers from the previous matches, except for Kane and Bryan for some reason.
The match was amazing, but anyone who was there would say that Sandow stole the show. Punk started the match by taking of his shirt in a seductive manner for the crowd and threw it at Sandow, who proceeded to put in on. Sandow also fanned Punk when he was down and, of course, put Punk's foot on the bottom rope to save him. After this, Punk lost via DQ after hitting Big Show with the belt. Kofi and Truth tried to come for the save, but Punk hit the GTS on Kofi and hit Truth with the belt. But while Punk was distracted, Big Show got back up and knocked Punk out with the WMD. Truth, Kofi and Show leave and pose at the top of the ramp while Heyman comes into the ring and rests the title on top of a knocked out Punk. Heyman yells at the officials to help him and they carry Punk out on a stretcher.
Ryan Williams contributed to this article.