Staff Shake-Up And Issues With WWE Live Events, Possible Ticket Price Changes, More

- There has been a major shake-up in the WWE live events department. New Senior Vice President of Live Events Patrick Tally has cleaned out some longtime employees and is looking at hiring his own people for the department.

Those let go include Senior Director of Live Events Marketing Rafael Morffi and Senior Live Events Promotional Manager Jennifer Davis. Morffi's departure surprised a lot of people because he was considered very good at his job and was well respected in the New York sports scene.

Attendance and gates are up over the past two months from the same period in 2011 but there are still a lot of issues with WWE live events right now. The biggest frustrations come from the SmackDown brand. WWE likes to think that "WWE" is the draw and not the individual Superstars but SmackDown draws significantly less than RAW. WWE has even lowered SmackDown prices as a way to close the gap but it hasn't helped.

More changes with pricing could be coming. The feeling is that the high price for the first few rows is fine and there likely won't be any adjusting the bottom prices that go as low as $15 or $20. There have been some thoughts that the middle ticket prices are too expensive.

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

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