Torres & Gracie On TV, WWE Polling Fans On Punk Vs. Ryback, Zeke Update, Clash Doc Airing

- We noted before that WWE Superstar Ezekiel Jackson returned home to Guyana last week. Apparently Zeke is also doing some promotional work for WWE while he's there.

- WWE Divas Champion Eve Torres and her fiancee Rener Gracie will be doing TV media appearances in Oklahoma City this morning. They will be talking about women and kid safety.

- WWE will air the one-hour documentary from their recent WCW Clash of the Champions DVD set on pay-per-view beginning November 5th.

- WWE is currently running a poll asking fans if a Ryback vs. CM Punk match is imminent after Ryback came to Mick Foley's defense on RAW. Currently "yes" is leading the vote with 82%.

