TNA Impact Results: Gut Check Edition Of Open Fight Night, Brooke Hogan & Bully Ray?, More

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This week's Impact begins with footage of last week's show involving Aces & 8's and Bobby Roode's #1 Contender win over James Storm. We go to pyro and crowd shots. We are welcomed to a Gut Check edition of Impact's Open Fight Night.

-We go to the ring where Jeremy Borash introduces Wes Briscoe, who is in the ring. Borash introduces his Gut Check: Garett Bischoff.

Gut Check: Wes Briscoe vs. Garett Bischoff

They lock up and Wes gets an early takedown. Garett responds with one of his own. They trade counters as they feel each other out. They go to a stalemate and cheers. Kurt Angle comes down to take a closer look. They hit simultaneous dropkicks and reset. More back and forth. Wes gets a quick 1. Angle cheers Wes from ringside. Garett hits a shoulderblock and trades shots with Wes. Wes drops him in a neckbreaker and gets another 1. Wes works up from a side headlock and hits a corkscrew crossbody and they trade near-falls. The pace quickens with more one-ups-man-ship. Wes rolls Garett up out of nowhere and gets a win.

Winner by pin: Wes Briscoe

Angle comes in and congratulates Wes. Garett raises Wes' arm and they embrace.

-We go to the back with all the previous Gut Check winners. Al Snow gives them a pep talk and says they can call out anyone they want.

-We're back from a break as Joey Ryan comes to the ring. Ryan cuts a promo on Hulk Hogan and calls out Chavo Guerrero.

Open Fight Night: Joey Ryan vs. Chavo Guerrero

Ryan goes right at Chavo on his way into the ring and Chavo turns things around in the corner. Ryan tries to get a time-out. Chavo hits uppercuts but Ryan catches him with a reverse elbow and poses in the ropes. Chavo charges in but Ryan hits him with a nice dropkick and does some more posing. Ryan works the neck as Chavo fights up. Chavo hits his own dropkick to a charging Ryan and they trade shots in the center. Chavo hits a head scissors takedown and a Senton into the ring from the apron. Chavo hits the 3 Amigos on Ryan and calls for the finisher. Chavo goes up top but Matt Morgan comes in and chokeslams Chavo down to the mat. Hernandez runs down and Morgan escapes.

Winner by disqualification: Chavo Guerrero

-We go to the back where Austin Aries is asked about Open Fight Night. Aries says the person he calls out needs not a Gut Check but a reality check. He says it will be a family affair and he can't wait. We go to break.

-We're back as Sam Shaw is introduced. Shaw calls out the first Gut Check winner, Alex Silva.

Open Fight Night: Sam Shaw vs. Alex Silva

Silva goes right at Shaw upon entering the ring and takes full control. Silva stops to play to the crowd. Silva makes a cover but Shaw quickly kicks out. Silva goes for a leg drop but Shaw moves out of the way. Silva sends Shaw in and follows in with a clothesline in the corner. Silva continues to dominate and shouts out Canada. Silva hits a scoop slam and stomps Shaw on the mat. Shaw lands on his feet after a back body drop and hits a spear on Silva with some ground and pound. Shaw hits some dropkicks and a nice combination. Shaw comes off the top with a dropkick for the upset.

Winner by pin: Sam Shaw

-We go to the back as ODB and Eric Young enter Hogan's office. Eric Young has a costume and wants to do a turkey suit challenge. Hogan tells them to go ahead and to watch out for Aces & 8's.

-Back from a break. ODB and Eric Young are confronted in the back by Robbie T. and Robbie E. They want Young to call them out so they can make him wear that suit. Tara and Jesse get involved and Young says he'll call out Robbie E. and Jesse.

-We go to video of Aces & 8's beating of Magnus and then to a video package of recent events involving the masked brotherhood.

-We go to their lair as the masked men have a Thanksgiving feast. They congratulate Doc for solidifying his spot and Devon says they have strippers for dessert. Devon says, "VP," and the masked man gets up and throws a dart at the TNA Roster poster. They cheer and Devon says it's going to be a Thanksgiving.

-Christian York gets in the ring and calls out Jeff Hardy.

Open Fight Night: Christian York vs. Jeff Hardy

They lock up and Hardy gets the best of the exchange. They pause to reset. York is right on top of Hardy with speed and counters. York hits a standing dropkick as Hardy regroups in the corner. We go to break.

We're back as Hardy sends York in from pillar to post. Hardy goes for Whisper in the Wind but there is nobody home. York gets two consecutive near-falls. York hits a big time knee for another 2. Hardy hits a big kick to the chin but York counters in the corner and goes up top but Hardy moves. York recovers and hits Hardy with a half nelson suplex and charges in with a DreamScape Senton in the corner. Hardy reaches the ropes to break a submission. York counters a Twist of Fate and hits his own and gets 2. York stalks Hardy from behind as Hardy gets up. Hardy hits a sit-down faceplant and goes up top but York meets him. Hardy hits him with a sunset flip powerbomb off the top. Hardy hits a series of high impact moves and hits the Twist and takes his shirt off and goes up top. Hardy hits the Swanton Bomb for the win.

Winner by pin: Jeff Hardy

They embrace and York raises Hardy's arm. Bobby Roode comes in and attacks both men from behind. Roode grabs the World Title and says the belt is coming back home with him at Final Resolution as he stands over Hardy.

-We see highlights from Taeler Hendrix. Taeler is approached in the back by Brooke Hogan and she wishes her luck and gives her advice. We go to commercial.

-Taeler Hendrix comes to the ring and calls out Tara.

Open Fight Night: Tara vs. Taeler Hendrix

Jesse gorilla presses Tara in the ring. The bell rings and Taeler puts her hand out but Tara slaps it away. They lock up and Tara shoves her back on her butt. Tara hits a faceplant and gets a shoulder rub from Jesse. Tara throws Taeler across the ring by her hair. Tara continues to squash Taeler. Taeler hits a dropkick on Tara as she kisses Jesse and hits an offensive flurry. Taeler hits a headbutt to the face and hits shots to the face and a crossbody for a 2. Taeler hits a kick to the head and gets a super close near-fall. Tara hits the Widow's Peak for the decisive win.

Winner by pin: Tara

-Eric Young and ODB enter the arena. Young has the turkey suit with him. Jesse comes down with Tara, followed by Robbie E. with Robbie T.

Turkey Suit Match: Eric Young vs. Jesse vs. Robbie E.

Young locks up with the ref and then hits a double clothesline to both opponents. Jesse sends Young in and hits a dropkick. Robbie E. wants to show him up and they take turns on Young. They send in Young and hit a double face plant. They try to steal each other's pins. Jesse and Robbie E. go at it. Young comes off the top with a missile dropkick on Robbie E. and speeds things up against him. Young hits a belly to belly but Jesse breaks the cover. Tara comes in and mixes it up with ODB. Young tosses Jesse to the outside. Robbie T. holds Young from the apron for Robbie E. to hit but Young ducks and Robbie T. is knocked to the floor. Young tosses Robbie E. out and rolls up Jesse in the ring for the win.

Winner by pin: Eric Young

The ref tries to make Jesse put the turkey suit on. Jesse dons the suit reluctantly as Tara helps him. Tara and Jesse duck out of the ring as Young and ODB celebrate. Doc, Devon and the 2 other main guys from Aces & 8's enter the ring and corner them. Young attacks first with his back against the wall and they take him down. ODB is handcuffed in the corner. They remove Young's boot and hits him with the hammer on the ankle. Doc hits him again in the foot. Devon gets in his face and asks him how it feels. Al Snow and other trainers come down as the masked men retreat. They bring out a stretcher as we go to commercial.

-Kazarian and Daniels make their way to the ring. They cut a promo on AJ Styles. Kazarian calls him out.

Open Fight Night: Kazarian vs. AJ Styles

Daniels backs up the ramp and leaves Kazarian to fight on his own. The bell rings and they lock up. They trade counters and pin-fall attempts. Kaz gets in a big boot off the break and AJ responds with a dropkick. AJ hits a head scissors takedown and hits kicks to Kazarian. Kazarian begs off in the corner but gets in a cheap shot. Kaz takes full control with a vicious clothesline and stomps on the mat. Kaz hits a gutwrench suplex and gets 2. Kazarian drops AJ across the top rope and kicks him in the face which sends AJ to the floor.

AJ comes back in and starts a flurry and takes down Kazarian. Kaz uses the ropes to pin AJ in the corner but the ref sees it. AJ hits the Pele out of nowhere to get the win.

Winner by pin: AJ Styles

-Austin Aries says it's about time to stir things up. He's about to open up Pandora's Box.

-Back from out final break as Austin Aries enters the Impact Zone. Aries grabs a mic and enters the ring. He says he's not getting a fair shot around here. Aries says there is one name responsible for that: Hogan. Aries calls out the fake tan, bleach blonde, ugly ass. He says he should be more specific. He calls out Brooke Hogan. Brooke comes out on the stage. Aries says he's not calling her out to wrestle but she's a Hogan and he's sick and tired of that name. Aries says for the last 25 years that is all he's heard. Aries says he bets Brooke is tired of that name too. He says that is why she wants to become Mrs. Bully Ray. Aries sends to a video to refresh Brooke's memory. We go to the video of Bully and Brooke in her office. Aries shows another video of Tara and Jesse surprising Bully and Brooke and them getting all flustered. Aries says if she's starved for loved, then he'll give her all the stuffing she wants.

Hogan's music hits and he comes down. Bully Ray beats him down and he chases Aries out of the ring. Hogan motions that Aries is a dead man. Bully gets in the ring and tells Brooke that he's sorry. Hogan looks confused and Brooke looks like a deer in headlights. Brooke runs to the back as we go off the air.

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