TNA Live Event Results From Hidalgo, TX (11/2) - Hardy Vs. Aries, Champion Injured?

Thanks to one of our readers for sending these results from last night's TNA live event in Hidalgo, TX (Hector Rodriguez contributed to these results):

Only half of the approximately 5,000 seat arena was used, and even then there were lots of empty seats towards the top. However, ringside looked full for the most part.


The show started off with Christy Hemme singing the National Anthem.

AJ Styles v. Daniels
Daniels came out gyrating to his music and cut a promo before the match making fun of the crowd for quite a while. The match showed some back and forth action from both men that eventually led to AJ winning with the Styles Clash in a decent match.

ODB v. Tara (Knockouts Championship match)
ODB with her KO tag-team belt came out first to no music as the sound team was having a hard time at the beginning of the event. Tara then came out and cut a promo about her boyfriend needing medical evaluations from last night's match on impact with ODB. This match saw back and forth action with Tara eventually getting the upperhand and hitting Widow's Peak for the win.


Mr. Anderson v. Bully Ray
Mr. Anderson came out to a huge pop, but then people started booing him when he began making fun of the locals. Bully Ray came out next and got in the ring to start the match. It was a quick match that had Bully Ray take the win. The crowd didn't know who to cheer for but Bully got some cheers here and there. I have to say that I could see his monster calves from the upper row and they are legit.

Chavo & Hernandez v. Aces & 8's (Tag Team Championship match)
Chavo came out with his partner and cut a promo about the arena saying the last time he was here was with another tag team partner, which the fans answered with "Eddie" chants. Chavo said he trusts Hernandez and issues an open challenge to any tag-team. Luke Gallows and a masked long-haired member of the 8's come out to answer the challenge. They get in the ring and eventually start the match. Chavo and Hernandez pretty much had the upperhand for the most part and eventually won in this lengthy match. At the end, Hernandez jumped out of the ring to hit Gallows but missed and hit the concrete floor. Officials took Hernandez to the back while people were in shock. Also, Chavo took the mask off the other Aces & 8's member, but Gallows quickly shielded the guy's face from being seen while they went to the back. Since the arena was cut in half, those in the top rows like myself got to see a little of what was going on in the back and the medics took Hernandez on a stretcher after a long time talking to him. Gallows, the Aces & 8's member and Chavo were around Hernandez, but before we could see anything else, the arena officials blocked our view with some curtains.



James Storm v. Bobby Roode
Roode came out to boos while Storm came out to cheers. It was quite lengthy and match of the night in my book. Storm had the upperhand for the most part but Bobby got some good moments in before getting hit with the super kick.

Austin Aries v. Jeff Hardy (TNA World Championship)
Aries came out first to boos with the original TNA title. Next out was Hardy with his custom belt and the crowd loved him. It had some good back and forth action but Aries would always get out of ring to do his usual heel tactics. Aries also got good heel heat by making fun of the Hardy fans but he eventually lost with two consecutive Twists of Fates.

Biggest pops:
Jeff Hardy
Mr. Anderson (before he made fun of the crowd)
James Storm

Most heat:
Bobby Roode
Christopher Daniels
Mr. Anderson

Match of the night for me was Roode v. Storm.

Hector Rodriguez contributed to this article.

