WWE Survivor Series: Team Ziggler Vs. Team Foley

Traditional Survivor Series Match: Alberto Del Rio, Damien Sandow, David Otunga, Wade Barrett and Dolph Ziggler vs. Kane, Daniel Bryan, Kofi Kingston, the Miz and Randy Orton

We go to the ring and Ricardo Rodriguez begins the introduction as Alberto Del Rio comes in driving a 1953 Rolls Royce. Damien Sandow is out next followed by David Otunga, the replacement for Cody Rhodes. Wade Barrett is out next followed by Team Captain Dolph Ziggler. Team Captain Mick Foley is out to represent his team. Foley walks to ringside and waits on everyone else. The WWE Tag Team Champions Kane and Daniel Bryan are out first for their team. WWE Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston is out next followed by The Miz. Randy Orton is out last for Team Foley and he gets a big pop from the crowd.

Otunga starts things off with Kofi. Kofi takes him down first but Otunga comes back with a knee to the gut. Otunga ducks a big kick and retreats to the floor. Kofi leaps out onto him and brings it back in the ring for a 2 count. Bryan tags in and kicks Otunga. The crowd chants for Bryan but Otunga powerslams him. Otunga tags in Sandow. Sandow with a leg sweep and the Elbow of Disdain on Bryan. 2 count by Sandow. Sandow with a headlock now. Bryan fights out and hits a clothesline. Bryan hits a dropkick in the corner and a bunch of kicks to the chest. Sandow goes to the floor and tells everyone else good luck. Sandow walks out but Kane brings him back and tosses him in the ring. Bryan kicks him in the head and tags in Kane. Kane grabs Sandow and chokeslams him for the pin. Damien Sandow is eliminated.

Kane and Bryan argue in the ring now. They shove each other. Kane sends Bryan to the floor. Ziggler comes in from behind and lays out Kane for the pin. Kane is eliminated. Orton and Miz argue about who's coming in now. Orton ends up taking Ziggler to the corner and they go at it. Orton with a slingshot suplex for a 2 count. Kofi tags in and goes at it with Ziggler now. Kofi tosses Ziggler across the ring and covers for a close 2 count.

Bryan comes back in and goes at it with Ziggler but he turns it around. Barrett tags in and works Bryan over in the corner. Bryan drops Barrett's face in the corner. Bryan rushes but misses a dropkick in the corner. Barrett unleashes with knees now. Del Rio with a cheap shot as Barrett sends Bryan out to the floor. Barrett rams Bryan into the apron and brings him back in for a 2 count. Otunga comes in and ends up in the No Lock. Otunga taps and is eliminated.

Del Rio comes in with a pin attempt on Bryan. Del Rio with a big backbreaker. Del Rio charges in the corner but Bryan sends him flying out to the floor. Ricardo comes over to check on Del Rio. Bryan tags in Kofi and he unloads on Del Rio. Kofi hits the Boom Drop and calls for Trouble in Paradise. Ziggler comes over but Kofi knocks him off the apron. Kofi hits a crossbody on Del Rio for a close 2 count. Barrett tags in and Ziggler distracts Kofi again. Barrett with the big tilt-a-whirl sideslam on Kofi. Barrett hits his Bullhammer elbow for the pin. Kofi is eliminated.

Orton comes in and takes control of Barrett. Barrett with a big boot in the corner when Orton charges. Orton blocks a suplex and counters. Orton drops a knee on Barrett's chest and covers for 2. Bryan comes back in and hits a dropkick on Barrett for 2. Bryan with kicks to the chest now. Barrett sends Bryan to the floor and tags in Del Rio. Del Rio brings Bryan back in the ring but Bryan gets him in the No Lock. Bryan can't get it locked and Del Rio turns it around. Del Rio with a big kick in the head and the cross armbreaker. Bryan taps and is eliminated.

Miz comes in and goes at it with Del Rio. Miz hits an elbow to the jaw and tags in Orton for a bit of double teaming. Orton stomps away on Del Rio as Foley looks on from ringside. Orton with a 2 count. Del Rio turns it around and gets a 2 count before tagging in Ziggler. Ziggler stomps away on Orton and drops an elbow for 2. Ziggler with a headlock now. Orton fights out and drops Dolph on his face from way up high. Ziggler tags in Barrett as Miz comes in. Miz knocks Del Rio to the floor and unloads on Barrett in the corner. Miz with a clothesline in the corner and boot to Ziggler on the apron. Barrett blocks the Skull Crushing Finale and hits a big shot to the gut. Barrett goes for Wasteland but Miz counters and hits SCF for the pin. Barrett is eliminated.

Miz drops Del Rio as he comes in and gets a close 2 count. Del Rio turns it around and bridges a suplex for 2. Del Rio falls hard on the back of his head coming out of the corner. Miz misses a clothesline in the corner and Del Rio kicks him in the back of the head for the pin. The Miz is eliminated. It's down to Orton vs. Ziggler and Del Rio. Orton and Del Rio trade shots. Ziggler gets knocked to the mat. Del Rio drops Orton for a 2 count. Del Rio takes Orton back to the corner and tags back in Ziggler. Ziggler with a neckbreaker and a 2 count. Another tag to Del Rio. Del Rio with a chest stomp. Del Rio comes off the top but Orton takes him out in mid-air. Orton with clotheslines and a powerslam. Ricardo gets on the apron. Orton grabs him and goes for the draping DDT but Del Rio kicks him in the back of the head for a close 2 count. Foley lays out Ricardo at ringside and hits him with Mr. Socko.

Ziggler comes in and accidentally dropkicks Del Rio. Orton sends Ziggler to the corner. Orton counters the armbreaker and nails a RKO on Del Rio for the pin. Del Rio is eliminated. Ziggler is still stuck in the corner as Orton looks at him. Orton drops and hits the mat. Ziggler blocks the RKO and hits the Zig Zag for a close 2 count. Ziggler goes for the leg drop but Orton blocks it and takes him to the apron. Orton nails the draping DDT and drops down again. Orton's mouth is bleeding and Ziggler looks to be laid out. Orton hesitates and looks to be thinking something over. Orton backs up across the ring for the punt kick but Ziggler superkicks him for the pin and the win. Ziggler is the sole survivor.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

