Another Set Of Results From Last Night's WWE Live Event In Wilkes-Barre, PA

Thanks to reader @mrwardchs for sending in these results from last night's WWE SuperShow from Wilkes-Barre, PA:

The arena is only about half full.

1. Tyson Kidd vs. Darren Young (with Titus O'Neill). Tyson is about to win with a sharpshooter but Titus interferes and Darren gets disqualififed. Out comes Justin Gabriel for the save and they make it a tag match. Match ends with Darren going for the two knee gut buster, but Tyson reverses it, turning it into a sharpshooter, and Darren taps.

2. Intercontinental Title Match. Wade Barrett came out, insulted the locals, then Kofi came out. Kofi won with Trouble in Paradise after reversing that new elbow thing Barrett does.

3. Divas tag. AJ and Kaitlyn vs. Eve and Tamina. Eve abandoned Tamina and AJ wins with a roll up.

4. 6 Man Tag. Daniel Bryan came out. The Shield came through the crowd and started beating up Bryan. Then out came Kane and Ryback. Big pop for Ryback. He's come far from the Goldberg chants, now everyone chants "feed me more". At the end of the match, Ryback goes for the shell shock but Roman Reigns hit Ryback with a chair and they got disqualified. Kane, Bryan and Ryback cleared the ring. Kane and Bryan hugged after the match.


5. Alberto Del Rio came out saying that Randy Orton is afraid of him which is why he isn't here. Booker T came on the screen and said you will face this guy, who turned out to be Rey Mysterio. Even though he was advertised to face Mysterio anyway. Mysterio won with a 619. Big pop for Rey.

6. Sheamus came out and demanded that The Big Show come out and speak about beating up William Regal. Big Show came out mocked Sheamus about the no contact clause. Booker T came on the screen again and said he's waving the clause for tonight, can you dig it.. SUCKA! Big Show lost by DQ as Sheamus was going for a Brogue kick he pulled the ref in the way and the ref rang the bell. Big Show brought a chair in, but Sheamus blocked it and hit Show with a Brogue Kick.

7. Main Event is John Cena vs. Dolph Ziggler. Crowd loves Cena, not surprised. It was determined via a twitter poll that it'll be a street fight. The other choice was a 2 out of 3 falls match.

Dolph dominated the entire match. He even went on the mic half way through to say how he is stealing the show. Long match. Cena kicks out of everything. Zig zags, chair shots, MITB Briefcase shots, super kicks. Ziggler brings in a table. Match comes to a finish with Cena having his Hulk Hogan moment and hitting the AA on Dolph through a table.

@mrwardchs contributed to this article.

