TNA Final Resolution Results: Aces & 8s Attack, Four Titles On The Line, More

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- The 2012 TNA Final Resolution pay-per-view kicks off with a Jeff Hardy video package for tonight's main event.

- We're live from the Impact Zone in Orlando, Florida as the pyro goes off. Todd Keneley welcomes us to the pay-per-view and he's joined by Mike Tenay and Taz.

- We go to the ring and out comes James Storm.

Storm says he isn't scheduled to be here tonight but that won't stop him from having some fun with the fans. Storm shows footage from Impact of the Aces & 8s beatdown where he saved Jeff Hardy. Storm says he's here to ruin Bobby Roode's celebration party and whoop his ass. Storm calls Roode down to the ring. Out comes Kazarian instead.


Kaz says Daniels will beat AJ Styles tonight and starts ripping into Storm, calling him a big cry baby. Kaz calls Storm a drunk and the crowd cheers. Kaz says it's time Storm cut the cheap dime store Toby Keith routine, saddle up, get on his horse and ride off into the sunshine. They keep talking and Storm challenges Kaz to come in the ring. Kaz says he's not here to fight and there's not even a referee. Storm says he doesn't need a referee and leaves the ring to go after Kaz. A referee comes out and backs Kaz down to the ring. Storm and Kaz go at it at ringside now.

Kazarian vs. James Storm

The match is now official as they go at it in the ring. Storm keeps control but Kaz turns it around and nails a big clothesline. Kaz with a reverse neckbreaker and a 2 count. Kaz goes on and dumps Storm out to the floor. Kaz works Storm over on the steel steps. Kaz goes to the apron and comes off with a double ax handle shot. Kaz covers for a 1 count.

Storm fights out of a hold but Kaz takes him back to the mat. Storm comes back and unloads. Storm with a double underhook for a 2 count. Storm ends up hitting the Last Call superkick for the win.

Winner: James Storm

- After the match, Storm takes the mic and celebrates with a beer.


TNA X Division Title Match: Kenny King vs. Rob Van Dam

We go to the ring and out first comes Kenny King. The TNA X Division Champion Rob Van Dam is out next.

Back and forth to start the match. King with a kick and early 2 count. RVD goes to the floor to re-group. RVD comes back in with kicks and a leg whip. Lots of back and forth in the match. RVD gets the win and retains his title.

Winner: Rob Van Dam

- Jeremy Borash is backstage with Daniels. He cuts a promo on AJ Styles and says he is the better man.

TNA Tag Team Title Match: Matt Morgan and Joey Ryan vs. Hernandez and Chavo Guerrero

We go to the ring and out first comes Joey Ryan. His partner Matt Morgan is out next. Out next are the TNA Tag Team Champions Hernandez and Chavo Guerrero. Ryan starts the match off with Chavo.

Back and forth with Ryan and Guerrero. Morgan comes in as does Hernandez and they face off. They have words and try to knock each other down. Hernandez gets dropped by a discus clothesline. Hernandez comes back and hits a huge standing suplex, holding Morgan in the air for a while. Morgan makes the tag to Ryan but he comes up short with Hernandez. Chavo comes back in and goes at it with Ryan. Morgan grabs Chavo and slams him face first into the turnbuckle. Ryan covers for a quick pin attempt.


Morgan comes in and goes at it with Guerrero now, keeping control. Morgan hits a big sideslam and tags in Ryan for another pin attempt. Morgan comes back in and they keep control of Guerrero. Another tag to Ryan. Chavo fights back this time. Hernandez comes in and drops Ryan. Hernandez with a big backbreaker on Ryan and a 2 count. Hernandez ends up sending Morgan to the floor and dropping Ryan. Chavo tags in and hits the frogsplash on Ryan from the top but Morgan pulls the referee out of the ring for the DQ.

Winners by DQ: Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez

- After the match, Chavo leaps out but Morgan catches him and rams him into the ring post. Hernandez comes leaping over the top rope and takes out Morgan. Hernandez and a referee check on Guerrero at ringside.

- Austin Aries is backstage with JB. He says his road back to the TNA World Title begins with Bully Ray tonight. We get a promo video for their match.

Austin Aries vs. Bully Ray

We go to the ring and out first comes Austin Aries. Bully Ray is out next and he's ready to fight.

Aries stalls some to start the match and goes to the floor when Ray charges. Aries dodges a lock up again and goes to the corner. Ray tells him to bring it and they lock up. Ray takes it to the corner but misses a shot as Aries ducks again. Aries stalls some more and goes back to the floor. Aries comes in and Ray hits a big gutwrench suplex. Ray works Aries over and beats him down in the corner. Ray with a hard whip into the corner and a big clothesline. Ray with a backdrop.


Aries turns it around and hits a missile dropkick to the leg from the top. Aries with more offense and a pin attempt. Aries with kicks to Ray's back now. Aries goes to the top and elbows Ray's back for another pin attempt. Aries keeps control of the match for several minutes. Ray fights out of a hold but Aries cuts him off. Aries mocks Hulk Hogan now. Aries drops a leg and covers for 2. Ray makes a comeback and goes to the top. Aries cuts him off and climbs up for a superplex. Ray shoves him to the mat and hits a big missile dropkick. Ray ends up on the floor now. Aries tries to dive through the ropes but runs into a big boot. Ray comes back in with a 2 count.

More back and forth. Ray hits the Bully Cutter for a 2 count. Ray clears the ring and the fans want tables. Ray goes to the floor but Aries trips him face first into the steel steps. Ray is busted open now. Ray tries to crawl back in the ring but Aries leaps off the top and knocks him off the apron. Aries beats Ray in the face while he's on the apron. Brooke Hogan runs down and tends to a bloody Bully on the apron. Aries hops down off the top and grabs Brooke by the arm. Aries drags Brooke in the ring and yells at her. Aries corners Brooke and yells at her. Ray comes in and throws Aries to the floor. Hulk Hogan comes out now as Ray checks on Brooke.


Ray tells Hulk to get Brooke out of here. While Ray is distracted, Aries comes from behind and hits a low blow for the win.

Winner: Austin Aries

- We get a look at Velvet Sky's return. JB is backstage with Tara and Jesse. Tara says Velvet is barely back and it should still be all about her. Tara talks about winning tonight. Tara addresses Mickie James and says she's going to beat her so bad she will be embarrassed to show her face.

TNA Knockouts Title Match: Mickie James vs. Tara

Taryn Terrell is the referee as Mickie James makes her way out first. The TNA Knockouts Champion Tara is out next with Jesse. Jesse presses her and they kiss before we get the bell.

They lock up and go back and forth. Tara takes control and works on the arm. Mickie tries to turn it around but Tara slams her by her head. Mickie does turn it around and slams Tara by her hair now. Jesse checks on Tara as Taryn tells them to break it up. Mickie comes from behind with a bridge for 2. Mickie with a Northern Lights suplex for 2. Tara rams her back into the corner and then beats her down. Mickie turns it back around but Jesse pulls Tara to safety. Mickie hits them and breaks it up before bringing Tara back in.

Tara turns it around and they end back up on the floor. Tara works Mickie over on the floor and brings it back in the ring. Tara goes for the Widow's Peak but Mickie counters with a roll up but Jesse is arguing with Taryn. Tara with the sidewalk slam for a 2 count. Tara with a body scissors now. Mickie fights back and hits a series of clotheslines. Mickie with kicks and an enziguri for a 2 count. Mickie tosses Tara out of the ring but Jesse catches her. Mickie goes to the top and splashes onto Tara. Mickie brings it back in the ring. Jesse runs up but she kicks him off the apron. Tara takes advantage and hits the Widow's Peak for the win.


Winner: Tara

- JB is backstage with Bobby Roode. He asks what Roode's relationship with Aces & 8s is. Roode takes offense and talks about what he's done and about getting the World Heavyweight Title back. Roode says he will get it back tonight and prove that it pays to be Roode. Roode says he is a business man and his business tonight is the World Title. Roode says money talks and bulls–t walks, apparently referring to Aces & 8s.

- We get a video package on Aces & 8s.

Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, Garrett Bischoff and Wes Brisco vs. Aces & 8s

We go to the ring and out first comes TNA Television Champion Devon, Doc and 2 masked men representing Aces & 8s. Out next comes the team of Kurt Angle, Wes Brisco, Samoa Joe and Garrett Bischoff. Joe rushes the ring and they escape to the floor.

Aces & 8s stall to start the match. Devon attacks Angle from behind and beats him down to kick things off. Devon beats Angle around the ring but he turns it around and does the same. Doc and Joe tag in and go at it now. Joe unloads on Doc and tags in Bischoff. Doc turns it around on Bischoff and takes him to the corner. One of the masked men tags in and beats Bischoff down. Garrett makes a comeback and works on the arm of the masked man. Garrett catches a big forearm shot and goes down. Garrett makes another comeback and tags in Brisco for some double teaming. The masked man blocks a bulldog and tosses Brisco to their corner. The other masked man tags in and takes control of Brisco until he hits a flapjack.


Joe tags in and unloads but ends up on the floor as Aces & 8s beat him up some. Devon tags in and hits a bunch of right hands in the corner. Doc comes back in and keeps Joe down on the ropes. One of the masked men comes over and chokes Joe with the middle rope while the referee is distracted. Doc with a big suplex and a headlock on Joe. Joe fights out but Doc drops him with a big back elbow for a 1 count. Doc takes Joe back to the corner and tags in Devon. Devon takes Joe to the mat and works on his neck now. Joe fights up and out but Devon hits the elbow to the face for 2. The bigger masked man tags himself in and keeps the assault on Joe going. Joe goes back to the corner and gets beat down with right hands again.

The other masked man comes in and Joe takes them both out. Angle tags in and clotheslines them, then hits Devon on the apron. Angle with a crossbody on one of the masked man. Doc comes in but Angle back suplexes him. Angle tosses the other masked man across the ring with a belly to belly. Angle covers for 2 but Devon comes in. Everyone else comes in and there's a big brawl now. Doc goes at it with Angle while everyone else goes to the floor. Doc chokeslams Angle. Brisco hits a crossbody from the top on Doc. The masked man drops Brisco. Bischoff comes in with a DDT on the masked man. Devon slams Bischoff but Joe runs over Devon with a kick. Joe goes at it with the other masked man but dives through the ropes and takes out Devon. Angle with a t-bone suplex on the smaller masked man. Angle applies the ankle lock but Doc comes in with a hammer. Bischoff stops him from using the hammer. Brisco comes in and spears Doc. Angle with the Angle Slam on the bigger masked man for the win.


Winners: Kurt Angle, Wes Brisco, Garrett Bischoff and Samoa Joe

- JB is backstage with AJ Styles to talk about his last match ever with Daniels tonight. Styles talks about how everyone has doubted him in 2012. He says there is no wrestler in TNA more consistent than him.

- We get a video package for Daniels vs. Styles.

Daniels vs. AJ Styles

This match is billed as the last match between these two. Out first comes Daniels. AJ Styles is out next.

Back and forth to start the match. Daniels works on the arm but AJ counters and does the same. They trade holds and Daniels sends AJ to the mat. AJ drops Daniels with a big clothesline and then a kick to the back. AJ with a dropkick. AJ with chops in the corner now. AJ keeps control now with the Indian Deathlock.

AJ takes it to the apron and snap suplexes Daniels onto it. Daniels turns it around and drops AJ on the apron, sending him to the floor. Daniels slams AJ hard onto the steel steps. Daniels brings it back in the ring and keeps control for several minnutes. AJ fights out and kicks him in the face. Daniels counters with a kick to the face of his own and more kicks. 2 count by Daniels. Daniels with another suplex as he works on the arm. Daniels with a moonsault.


Daniels with a big tilt-a-whirl slam and more work on AJ's arm. They run the ropes and collide in mid-air. AJ hits bad and he's busted open above his eye now. AJ goes for another comeback but Daniels drops him. Daniels goes for the Best Moonsault Ever but misses. AJ comes off the top with a big forearm and clotheslines now. AJ with the rack into a slam for 2. Lots more of the same. Daniels ends up getting the win after using the Styles Clash.

Winner: Daniels

- We get a video for tonight's main event.

TNA World Heavyweight Title Match: Bobby Roode vs. Jeff Hardy

We go to the ring and out first comes Bobby Roode. The TNA World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Hardy is out next. We get formal ring introductions from JB.

Roode strikes first and beats Hardy down. Roode stomps away and goes for a quick pin attempt. Roode takes control early on and has words with the referee. Hardy turns it around and kicks Roode down in the corner. Hardy with a head scissors takedown and a big backdrop. Roode manages to scramble out of the ring to re-group. Hardy kicks him back into the barrier. Hardy splashes out over the top and lands on Roode and the floor.

Hardy brings it back in the ring with rights and lefts in the corner. Hardy keeps it up but Roode turns things around. Roode drops a big knee for a 2 count. Roode keeps control and keeps Hardy down on the mat now. Roode with big shots to the back and more stomps. Roode keeps Hardy down with a headlock now. Hardy finally fights out but Roode drops him with a back elbow. Roode slams Hardy and goes to the top. Hardy gets his boots up and starts making a comeback. Hardy with a 2 count. Hardy ducks two clotheslines but ends up missing a move and flies out to the floor, landing hard.


Roode slams Hardy into the steel steps now. Roode brings it back in the ring and covers for 2. Hardy comes out of a headlock but Roode keeps him grounded. They get to their feet with Roode still in control. They trade shots. Hardy with rights and clotheslines. Hardy with an atomic drop and a leg drop between the legs. Hardy kicks Roode back and goes to the top. Hardy with a big splash for 2. More back and forth. Hardy hits a Whisper in the Wind for a 2 count. More back and forth. Roode hits the spinebuster for a close 2 count. Hardy hits a Twist of Fate but Roode rolls out to the floor.

They brawl at ringside. Roode brings it back in for a 2 count after a hard shot on the fan barrier. Roode takes Hardy to the top for a superplex but Hardy fights him off and to the mat. Hardy hits the Swanton but can't make the cover just yet. Roode spears Hardy and covers for a close 2 count. We see Aces & 8s appear now. Roode screams at them to come down but they don't. Roode turns around to a Twist of Fate and Hardy gets the win.

Winner: Jeff Hardy

- After the match, all of Aces & 8s storm the ring and beat Jeff Hardy down. Roode gets up and he's upset. He says he paid them to help him become champion. They beat Roode down now. Doc hits a big chokeslam after one of the masked men nails a right hand to the jaw. Final Resolution goes off the air with Aces & 8s standing tall.

