WWE Live Event Results From Chicago (12/26) - Confusion & Stalling, The Shield Gets Beat, Big Show

Thanks to WrestlingINC.com reader Brian for sending in these results from tonight's SmackDown live event from The All State Arena in Chicago, IL:

Lower part of the arena is filled, about half the top is full.

Show starts off with a battle royal with the winner getting a shot at the Intercontinental Championship later. Participants were 3MB, Alex Riley, Justin Gabriel, Tyson Kidd, Primo, Epico, Michael McGillicutty, Ted DiBiase and Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio wins by eliminating 3MB.

Divas Holiday Match featuring Layla and Alicia Fox against Tamina and Aksana. Layla picks up the win after pinning Aksana.

Alex Riley defeated Michael McGillicutty in a quick match.

Fandango defeated Ted Dibiase.

Wade Barrett announces on screen that he will wrestle for the Intercontinental title tonight.

Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel vs. Heat Slater and Jinder Mahal. Kidd gets the pinfall after neckbreaker off the top rope.


Epico and Primo (with Rosa Mendes) vs. The Great Khali and Hornswoggle (with Natalya). Comedy match with loser having to sing a Christmas song, which members in attendance voted on. Hornswoggle got the win after a Tadpole splash. Primo and Epico force Rosa to sing Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. Primo took the mic and started to sing "Feliz Navidad" and got booed.

Next up is a 3 way match for the Intercontinental Championship. Big pop for Kofi Kingston and Alberto Del Rio. In a good 25 minute match, Kofi picked up the win after pinning Wade.

The crew starts to bring out cage. There is some confusion. We were sitting directly behind Finlay and the crew by the sound booth and saw him on the phone, he quickly told Barrett to get back to the ring.

Barrett comes out and says he wants a one-on-one match against Kofi. Kofi wins again.

More confusion and stalling.

Barrett stays in the ring and says he'll fight anyone from the Smackdown locker room. DiBiase comes out in street clothes and pins Barrett again.

Finally the main event with The Big Show defending the World Heavyweight Championship against Sheamus. Big Show is out first to a mixed crowd. Sheamus comes out to a huge pop. Good match that lasted about 25 minutes. Big Show got the pin after a second KO punch. He tries to bring in a chair, but Sheamus hits him with it and hits the brogue kick.

Matt Striker comes back in the ring and tells the fans in Chicago to stick around because they have a second big main event because they love being here. It will be a 6 man tag match here in Chicago.

Two minutes later he announces Ryback is in the building. Another minute later he announces a full team is here. Another minute goes by and he says it is now 3 on 2 and they are waiting for the last superstar. Lights go dark and Ryback comes out followed by Daniel Bryan and finally Kane. They wait as The Shield's music hits and they make their way through the crowd. Awesome match with Ryback hitting shellshocked on Ambrose for the pin.

Brian contributed to this article.

