WWE Pulls AJ Lee From TLC Match, Billy Gunn Re-Hired By WWE?, Eve Speaks To Cosmopolitan
- We noted that WWE Divas Champion Eve Torres visited the offices of Cosmopolitan magazine on Monday. She was there to give self-defense tips for women. The article can be read at Cosmo.com. She listed the following:
* Embrace girl power
* Know your enemy
* Don't phone it in
* Help a sister out
* Shout it out
* Scream, kick, punch
* Don't panic
* Go on the offensive
- WWE has removed AJ Lee from the "Santa's Little Helper's" #1 contender's battle royal set for the WWE TLC pre-show. Cameron and Naomi have been added in her place. The match will now feature 9 Divas – Cameron, Naomi, Kaitlyn, Layla, Natalya, Rosa Mendes, Tamina Snuka, Aksana and Alicia Fox.
- There are reports that WWE has signed former DX member Billy Gunn (Kip Sopp) as a NXT developmental trainer. Gunn has done some work with developmental talents at NXT earlier this year and it was reported after RAW 1000 that officials may bring him back as a trainer.